Introduces mathematical, algorithmic, and statistical tools needed to analyze geometric data, with applications to computer graphics, computer vision, medical imaging, machine learning, architecture, and other fields. Potential topics include: applied introduction to differential geometry; discrete notions of curvature; PDE on geometric domains via the finite element method (FEM) and discrete exterior calculus (DEC); computational spectral geometry; correspondence and mapping; metric geometry; level set methods; descriptors; shape collections; and vector field design. (EECS departmental listing, catalog listing)
Time: Tuesday/Thursday, 1pm-2:30pm
Location: 32-124
Instructor: Justin Solomon, office hours Wednesdays 1pm-3pm (32-D460)
TA: Abhishek Bajpayee, office hours Thursday 3pm-5pm (1-225)
The following is a highly tentative lecture schedule for 6.838. It will be updated dynamically as the course proceeds. The list of topics is ambitious and likely to be shortened; if there are topics you feel strongly should be included/emphasized/added, feel free to contact Justin with this information.
Links to slides, Youtube videos of lectures, and homeworks will be posted on this spreadsheet as the course proceeds.