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This is an automatic reply.  
I will be out of the office for the next few days.  During my absence Joyce 
will be in charge. Phyllis Scott has the details if you need to get in  
touch by phone or fax. I will return to the office on Monday, May 6th.  
Thanks.  GS  
 George L. Sinos, Manager - Information Technology Service Center     
 Omaha Public Power District        Phone:    402-636-3847                      
 444 South 16th Street Mall         FAX:      402-636-2048                      
 Omaha, Nebraska  68102-2247        Internet: gsinos@oppd.gov            

X-Orcl-Content-Type: message/rfc822

Received: 29 Apr 1996 09:43:05                    Sent: 25 Apr 1996 11:17:21
From:"<@dns1.oppd.gov,@oppdns.oppd.gov:owner-thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU>" <owner-thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU>>
Subject: thinkpad digest for Thu, 25 Apr 1996
Reply-to: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
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Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-description: Today's topics

Today's topics:

    Re: Mem upgrade for 701C - 16M for $285??  (Robert Dewar)
    760ED  (Steve Hultquist)
    external mouse, 755CDV and Win95  (Mark Ellis)
    Re: external mouse, 755CDV and Win95  (Steve Hultquist)
    Re: external mouse, 755CDV and Win95  (Ed Bunch)
    RE: Windows 95 GP on TP 760CD (MSGSRV32)  (Oleskiw, Myron)
    For those of you who travel with laptops (fwd)  (Victor Kress)
    How much for 16meg/701C  (Bill Bryan)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (Christopher Jenks)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (Randy Whittle)
    701C RAM  (Randy Whittle)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (Emanuel Brown)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (Christopher Jenks)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (John H. Kim)
    Re: How much for 16meg/701C  (Christopher Jenks)
    Thinkpad Disk Cable  (Scott A. Stratmoen)
    Places to buy  (Steve Hultquist)
    PC Direct Address?  (Christoph Eyrich)
    Physics - was Re: Mem upgrade for 701C  (Mike O'Carroll)
    archives... where?  (Frank Sheeran)
    Question for the list on MPEG  (Tom Shott)
    760E Docking Alternatives  (Dane Tyson)
    755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss  (Lee Stewart)
    Re: 755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss  (Tim Tyhurst)
    Re: 755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss  (Steve Hultquist)
    Re: 760E Docking Alternatives  (Steve Hultquist)

Content-type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:17:08 -0400
From: dewar@gnat.com (Robert Dewar)
To: skat@pacific.net.sg, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Mem upgrade for 701C - 16M for $285??
Message-Id: <9604241617.AA16714@nile.gnat.com>

I don't mind at all this list wandering off into irrelevant stuff, e.g.
physics lessons, but can people [please try to change the subject line
in this case. That way it is easy to kill an entire thread you are not
interested in.


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 10:51:03 -0600
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 760ED
Message-Id: <[]>

I'd really like to order one, so I'm looking for recommendations of places
that are likely to have them now or shortly. Any recommendations?

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:50:09 -0400
From: Mark Ellis <mellis@ramcad.pica.army.mil>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: external mouse, 755CDV and Win95
Message-Id: <9604241250.aa22203@ramcad.pica.army.mil>

We have a 755CDV, and I installed win95 on it. The problem I'm having is 
getting the external mouse to work reliably. This is the PS/2 type mouse 
plugged into the port on the right side port near the PCMCIA socket(s). 

There's no repeatability to the loss of mouse, and the trackpoint mouse
works fine all day long. 

If anyone has any guidance on this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading...

Mark E. Ellis   N2WZB	     |Engineer / Systems Administrator 
                             |PA&TD Software Quality Engineering Branch
<mellis@ramcad.pica.army.mil>|AMSTA-AR-QAT-A, Bldg 62N, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 11:21:49 -0600
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: Mark Ellis <mellis@ramcad.pica.army.mil>, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: external mouse, 755CDV and Win95
Message-Id: <[]>

At 12:50 PM 4/24/96 EDT, Mark Ellis wrote:
>We have a 755CDV, and I installed win95 on it. The problem I'm having is 
>getting the external mouse to work reliably. This is the PS/2 type mouse 
>plugged into the port on the right side port near the PCMCIA socket(s). 
>There's no repeatability to the loss of mouse, and the trackpoint mouse
>works fine all day long. 
>If anyone has any guidance on this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading...

EIther disable the trackpoint or install the mouse fix (on the IBM Web site)
that let's you use both (I've never gotten that to work reliably, but I'm
sure someone has!).

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 24 Apr 1996 12:50:09 PDT."
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 10:37:13 -0700
From: Ed Bunch <edb@scic.intel.com>
To: Mark Ellis <mellis@ramcad.pica.army.mil>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: external mouse, 755CDV and Win95 
Message-Id: <9604241737.AA17449@rs028.scic.intel.com>

I can't speak for the 755CDV unit itself (yet) but for all my previous
systems 750C, 750CE, 755C their was a problem with using external mice.

IBM says that they do not "support" external mice other than their own.
And, if you do use a "non-supported" mouse you should disable the track-point
device under F1 settings (a real pain!). I have had to give the "system managers"
password to several folks due to this and the fact that you can't disable
the TrackPoint from a control panel (like you now can in 760CD's; maybe 75x
has a bios upgrade to fix this now... I don't know). 

Hope this helps,


BTW - The problems we saw with the mouse was the inability to click
on things (especiall double clicking); under the Win31 control panel for
the mouse, using the test box.

>From:    Mark Ellis <mellis@ramcad.pica.army.mil>
>We have a 755CDV, and I installed win95 on it. The problem I'm having is 
>getting the external mouse to work reliably. This is the PS/2 type mouse 
>plugged into the port on the right side port near the PCMCIA socket(s). 
>There's no repeatability to the loss of mouse, and the trackpoint mouse
>works fine all day long. 
>If anyone has any guidance on this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading...


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 13:42:00 -0400
From: "Oleskiw, Myron" <MYRON.OLESKIW@NRC.CA>
To: TP750 <TP750@CS.UTK.EDU>
Subject: RE: Windows 95 GP on TP 760CD (MSGSRV32)
Message-Id: <317E68C4@coursmtp.nrc.ca>

Here's a message I posted a few weeks ago.  I would expect that your problem 
is related to Win95 not being able to find a piece of hardware.  Msgsrv32 
is, to the best of my knowledge, part of Win95.


I believe I had this same problem about six weeks ago.  In my case, I was 
finally able to determine that the symptoms were being caused by the 
operating system (Windows 95) trying to create a sound.  It seems that when 
I installed the latest sound driver from IBM for my TP750, the installation 
must not have completed correctly the first time (although I didn't notice 
anything abnormal at the time).  Thereafter, when the system tried to make a 
sound it would crash msgsrv32.  I finally reinstalled the sound drivers and 
everything has worked perfectly ever since.

Good luck!

From: owner-thinkpad
To: thinkpad
Subject: 701C/Win95 suspend problem
Date: Tuesday, March 19, 1996 12:41

  I did a quick stroll through the FAQ and archives for this list but
didn't see anything applicable to my particular problem (IBM has also
not been useful).  If someone on this list could take a shot, I'd
really appreciate it.

Whenever I attempt to do a suspend (either Fn or cover-close) on my
machine, it hangs upon wake until given the vulcan nerve pinch.  When
I do do ctrl-alt-del, I am told that msgsrv32 is not responding and
only by forcing that task to end do I get control back on the
machine. Not having msgsrv32 running on the machine at that point
seems to cause some amount of flakiness.


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:22:48 +0100
From: kress@ctpsun.ciw.edu (Victor Kress)
To: tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: For those of you who travel with laptops (fwd)
Message-Id: <9604242300.AA17340@gl.ciw.edu>

This may be relevant to many of you.  It certainly is to me.

>Travel Alert re: Laptop Theft
>>>The FAA recently learned of a hustle that's being employed at airports all
>>>across the country to steal laptop computers.  It involves two persons who
>>>look for a victim carrying a laptop and approaching a metal detector.
>>>They position themselves in front of the unsuspecting passenger. They
>>>stall until the mark puts the laptop computer on the conveyor belt. Then
>>>the first subject moves through the metal detector easily.  The second
>>>subject sets off the detector and begins a slow process of emptying
>>>removing jewelry, etc.  While this is happening, the first subject takes
>>>the laptop as soon as it appears on the conveyor belt and moves away
>>>When the passenger finally gets through the metal detector, the laptop is
>>>gone.  The subject that picks it up heads into the gate area and disappears
>>>among the crowd.  Sometimes a third subject will take a hand-off from the
>>>first subject and the computer is out of the restricted area before the
>>>mark even knows that it is gone.
>>>This is becoming a widely practiced problem and is happening at airports
>>>everywhere.  When traveling  with a laptop computer, try to avoid lines
>>>to enter a metal detector when possible.  When you can't do that, delay
>>>putting your luggage and laptop on the conveyor belt until you are sure
>>>that you will be the next person through the metal detector.  As you
>>>move through the metal detector, keep you eyes on the conveyor belt and
>>>watch for your luggage and laptop to come through as well as watching
>>>for what those in front of you are picking up.
>>>U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
>>>Captain Terry Bowman
>>>Chief, Technology Integration
>>>Secretary of the Air Force
>>>Office of Public Affairs
>>>(703) 695-8561

Victor Kress
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
(202) 686-2410 x2489
web page: http://granite.ciw.edu/~kress


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:31:19 -0400
From: Bill Bryan <billb@rust.net>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <>

        I'm going to upgrade my 701C with a 16 meg module.  What is a good
price these days for 16 megs.
 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
 Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions
 three ere the other side he see."             Bridgekeeper, Holy Grail


In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 16:50:12 -0700
From: Christopher Jenks <jenks@indigo.ucdavis.edu>
To: Bill Bryan <billb@rust.net>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960424164828.2559A-100000@indigo.ucdavis.edu>

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Bill Bryan wrote:

>         I'm going to upgrade my 701C with a 16 meg module.  What is a good
> price these days for 16 megs.

  I bought a 16MB module from PC Direct for $429 - they are on sale 
there currently.

      - Chris


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:19:46 -0700
From: whittle@usc.edu (Randy Whittle)
To: Christopher Jenks <jenks@indigo.ucdavis.edu>, Bill Bryan <billb@rust.net>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <v01530500ada4755766ca@[]>

At 4:50 PM 4/24/96, Christopher Jenks wrote:
>On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Bill Bryan wrote:
>>         I'm going to upgrade my 701C with a 16 meg module.  What is a good
>> price these days for 16 megs.
>  I bought a 16MB module from PC Direct for $429 - they are on sale
>there currently.
>      - Chris

        Wow!  $429?!  I think I paid $300-ish for an 8 MB module just a few
months ago!  If I could have gotten 16 MB for that price, I would
definitely have done so!

        Have RAM prices come down lately?

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business

        Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male psyche
--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
                - Dave Barry, October 2, 1994


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:21:58 -0700
From: whittle@usc.edu (Randy Whittle)
Subject: 701C RAM
Message-Id: <v01530501ada475be7f17@[]>

        Is there a 701 owner on the list that would be interested in a
gently-used 8 MB RAM module?  If so, might I ask what you would be willing
to pay for it?

        I'm thinking of getting a 16 MB module and the decision would be a
lot easier if I knew I had a buyer for my 8 MB module at a half-decent
price.  ;-)

        Perhaps you should e-mail me directly...

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business

        Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male psyche
--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
                - Dave Barry, October 2, 1994


In-Reply-To: <v01530500ada4755766ca@[]>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 00:40:18 +0000
From: epbrown@suba.com (Emanuel Brown)
To: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <317ec929.14180756@mail.suba.com>
Keywords: Rosebud?

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:19:46 -0700, Randy Whittle wrote:

"At 4:50 PM 4/24/96, Christopher Jenks wrote:
">On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Bill Bryan wrote:
">>         I'm going to upgrade my 701C with a 16 meg module.  What is a good
">> price these days for 16 megs.
">  I bought a 16MB module from PC Direct for $429 - they are on sale
">there currently.
">      - Chris
"        Wow!  $429?!  I think I paid $300-ish for an 8 MB module just a few
"months ago!  If I could have gotten 16 MB for that price, I would
"definitely have done so!
"        Have RAM prices come down lately?
	Yep, I'm afraid the market for 8MB modules is gonna be saturated for a while
unless...Say!  What if I buy a 5.5 volt chip for $285, let it burn out my
socket, stick my old 8MB approved chip in and say, "Gee, I dunno what coulda
	I'm kidding, of course,  I think even big blue would wonder why you kept
burning out the socket, unless you spent $285 for a chip you'd only use
laptop central: www.suba.com/~epbrown/


In-Reply-To: <v01530500ada4755766ca@[]>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:41:22 -0700
From: Christopher Jenks <jenks@indigo.ucdavis.edu>
To: Randy Whittle <whittle@usc.edu>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960424172801.3374A-100000@indigo.ucdavis.edu>

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Randy Whittle wrote:

>> At 4:50 PM 4/24/96, Christopher Jenks wrote:
>>  I bought a 16MB module from PC Direct for $429 - they are on sale
>>there currently.
>>      - Chris
>         Wow!  $429?!  I think I paid $300-ish for an 8 MB module just a few
> months ago!  If I could have gotten 16 MB for that price, I would
> definitely have done so!
>         Have RAM prices come down lately?

  I wondered about that. The best answer I was able to get is that
availability of RAM from the manufacturers fluctuates a lot, and there is
a surplus right now. Maybe the manufacturers expected Windows 95/NT to be
more popular and increase demand for memory. I'm sure happy with my 24MB 
(total). The installation is easy. Just make sure to ground yourself and 
your machine. I just leaned on my metal kitchen sink myself.
  I purchased my 701CS about six weeks ago from Global Computer Systems, 
and paid for 8MB to be pre-installed for $370. Luckily the 8MB SO-DIMMs 
were out of stock.  8^>>>
  Make sure PC Direct still has the 16MB SO-DIMMs in stock. I heard they 
plan to continue the sale until May if supplies last.

            - Chris


In-Reply-To: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960424172801.3374A-100000@indigo.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:11:30 -0500
From: "John H. Kim" <jokim@tuna.mit.edu>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960424211046.1000A-100000@tuna.mit.edu>

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Christopher Jenks wrote:

>   Make sure PC Direct still has the 16MB SO-DIMMs in stock. I heard they 
> plan to continue the sale until May if supplies last.

Are these SO-DIMMs a standard, usable in other laptops that use
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'


In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960424211046.1000A-100000@tuna.mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:47:24 -0700
From: Christopher Jenks <jenks@indigo.ucdavis.edu>
To: "John H. Kim" <jokim@tuna.mit.edu>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: How much for 16meg/701C
Message-Id: <Pine.SGI.3.91.960424193931.5305A-100000@indigo.ucdavis.edu>

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, John H. Kim wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Christopher Jenks wrote:
>>   Make sure PC Direct still has the 16MB SO-DIMMs in stock. I heard they 
>> plan to continue the sale until May if supplies last.
> Are these SO-DIMMs a standard, usable in other laptops that use

  The SO-DIMM I bought is specific for the TP 701. As far as I know, it
will not work in any other machine. I don't know if only this model of
memory is on sale at PC Direct or if all 16MB SO-DIMMs are. Anyone know? I
have seen 32MB modules for most thinkpads other than the 701 advertised on
the comp.sys.laptops for $900.

     - Chris


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 20:57:14 +0600
From: "Scott A. Stratmoen" <strat@dsd.northrop.com>
Reply-To: "Scott A. Stratmoen" <strat@dsd.northrop.com>
To: "thinkpad@cs.utk.edu" <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
Subject: Thinkpad Disk Cable 
Message-Id: <m0uCHEx-0002s1C@mail-relay.dsd.northrop.com>


The part number on my new IBM disk drive's flex cable is,


As I recall the old drives did not have a part number on
the cable....
Scott A. Stratmoen


Date: Wed, 24 Apr 1996 21:12:23 -0600
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Places to buy
Message-Id: <[]>

Anyone have favorites? Please send them; I'd really like to try to pick up a
750ED right quick here!

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:53:09 +0200
From: eyrich@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Christoph Eyrich)
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: PC Direct Address?
Message-Id: <m0uCLrR-000dR6C@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de>

I'm interested in this 701 RAM bargain too...

Could anyone send me the PC Direct Fax and Phone no.? (I can't
use any 800-xxx no - this doesn't work if you call from

Thanks a lot

Christoph Eyrich



Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 13:38:09 -0000
From: "Mike O'Carroll" <mike@filct.com>
To: skat@pacific.net.sg, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Physics - was Re: Mem upgrade for 701C
Message-Id: <9604251338.aa12602@hipass.filct.com>

	>OK, I'll try once more and then I give up ;-)  .
	>E = I/R
	>As you decrease the voltage (resistance constant) the current will also 
	>decrease a proportionate amount.  If it worked the way you suggest 
	>(decreasing the supply voltage increases current) disconnecting a 
	>battery (dropping the voltage to zero) would cause infinite current.  
	>This is silly.  Impediance and reactance only enter into it if the 
	>voltage applied to power the card is ac.
	yes, i understand your problem.  i don't mean to change this list into a
	physics lecture, so unless i have this wrong, let this be the end.

At the risk of being shot ...

Ohm's law (E = I/R) only works for linear resistances.
The argument being put here (I think) is that this DIMM is a non-linear
device which requires a fixed amount of power.

This is a bit like a circuit with a voltage regulator (for all I know, the
DIMM has one) or some types of UPS.  If the input voltage drops, the device
will draw more current in order to maintain the output voltage.

I promise to say not another word on this :-)



Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 15:21:50 +0200
From: Frank Sheeran <Frank.Sheeran@ska.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: archives... where?
Message-Id: <199604251321.PAA00590@firestorm.foa.ska.com>

OK, it seems like no-one currently on the list has any answers for
my Linux/760CD project.  Maybe I can find something in the archives...
How do I find them?

Thanks, Frank


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 07:05:21 -0700
From: Tom Shott <toms@scic.intel.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Question for the list on MPEG
Message-Id: <9604251405.AA22596@rs055.scic.intel.com>

As a recent new owner of a 760CD (darn. should have waited for the new
models) I have a question.

The 760CD includes MPEG decompression hardware built in. OK, so I tried the
demo disk and after fiddling around with screen resolutions I got it to
play back great quality full-screen video.

Now I'd like to insert a full-screen video sequence into my powerpoint
presentation. How do I get software or hardware that will compress a video
stream to MPEG? 

I have two video sources in mind. One is off a video camera. The other is
an animation sequence out of a rendering program.

Has anybody done this for presentation graphics? Does anybody have a
suggestion on where on the net I should be looking for this type of


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:11:00 -0500
From: runngdog@mcs.com (Dane Tyson)
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 760E Docking Alternatives
Message-Id: <v01520d00ada4e33ee492@[]>

In conjunction with the release of the 760E Thinkpads, IBM is now offering
a new "SelectaDock" docking system designed for the 760E's PCI bus
architecture.  The new unit consists of a port replicator (SelectaDock Base
Model I) and a modular attachment (SelectaDock I) that adds one shared (PCI
or ISA) full -size PC Card slot, aSCSI-2 port, a game port, a Type
IIICardBus slot, and one Ultrabay (for HDD, FDD, CD-ROM).

I had planned to purchase a 760ED with the current Dock II station.  This
station offers considerably more capabilities than the new Selectadock
system -- 2 ISA slots, 2 PCMCIA slots, built-in stereo speakers, 2 device
bays, etc. -- at roughly the same price as the Selectadock.   But the
announcement letter on the 760ED notes that "When using the Thinkpad 760E
and 760ED with the ThinkPad DockI or Dock II, the Thinkpad IDE Conversion
Card optional feature (46H5994) must be used to access the IDE devices (HDD
and CD-ROM) in these IBM docking solutions."

Because of the added features, I would still like to get the Dock II if
that makes sense.  However, I have the uneasy feeling that the line quoted
above is really not directed at new buyers like myself, but rather at
current Dock II owners, reassuring them that they need not toss out their
$700 stations if  they upgrade to a 760E.  Thus, I have a number of
questions on which I am hoping that members of this list might have some
useful facts and/or opinions:

1.      Will the Dock II, equipped with the above-mentioned conversion
card, perform as well with the 760E as it does with the 760C?

2.      Will the Dock II with conversion card perform as well with the 760E
as the new SelectaDock system?

3.      If the answer to the above 2 questions is "yes," what is the price
of a conversion card?

4.      Is the lack of CardBus support on the Dock II something to worry
about?  Is it something that can be "fixed" later on?

5.      Does the "Selectadock I" designation imply the future release (no
doubt within days of the expiration of my 30-day MBG on SelectaDock I) of a
"SelectaDock II" which incorporates the Dock II features?  If so, is there
any way besides investing in a $300 SCSI PC card to meet my short-term need
for a SCSI port (so as to use my Zip drive) while waiting for a more
complete SelectaDock system to be released?

6.      Are there other advantages/disadvantages of the SelectaDock system
vs. Dock II that I have missed?

Thanks in advance for thoughts, opinions, even facts.  Of course, in
addition to the above, I would also like to hear opinions of current Dock
II users on their units.


Dane Tyson


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 08:53:00 -0600
From: lee@rmii.com (Lee Stewart)
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss
Message-Id: <m0uCSQZ-000KqYC@rmii.com>

Hi...  My saga of quirks upgrading to W'95 continues...  I have all the
stuff (audio, video, etc.), except...

Frequently, but not always, after I suspend (i.e., close the cover), the
next time I resume, my PCMCIA modem has disappeared.  If I try to use it,
it says not found, if I look at the PCMCIA status it shows that slot as
empty.  Sometimes I can "recover" it by hibernating, then resuming, but
not always.  Frequently I have to shutdown, power off (and the shutdown
never completes when this is going on), and power back on to get it back.

And possibly related...  Since upgrading my BIOS and installing W'95 I
don't get the light that's supposed to indicate power to the PCMCIA cards
any more.  It comes on when I first power on the machine (so I know it
still works), but never again.

Anyone ever bumped into this one or have any suggestions?

Thanks, as always....
Lee Stewart


In-Reply-To: <m0uCSQZ-000KqYC@rmii.com> from "Lee Stewart" at Apr 25, 96 08:53:00 am
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 11:10:57 -0400
From: Tim Tyhurst <tim@excelsior.com>
To: lee@rmii.com (Lee Stewart)
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: 755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss
Message-Id: <199604251510.LAA07371@dogmead.excelsior.com>

> Hi...  My saga of quirks upgrading to W'95 continues...  I have all the
> stuff (audio, video, etc.), except...

Do you get the Win95 mixer/volume control with the 755's audio?

> Frequently, but not always, after I suspend (i.e., close the cover), the
> next time I resume, my PCMCIA modem has disappeared.  If I try to use it,
> it says not found, if I look at the PCMCIA status it shows that slot as
> empty.  Sometimes I can "recover" it by hibernating, then resuming, but
> not always.  Frequently I have to shutdown, power off (and the shutdown
> never completes when this is going on), and power back on to get it back.

I have pretty much exactly the same experience with my 360Cs running W95.
I have a 3COM 3C589 Ethernet in slot 0, and an Angia 14.4 FAX modem in
slot 1, and the modem is frequently not found after recovering from
suspend or hiberation. The 3COM card never has a problem. But since I use
the modem so infrequently, I've never really investigated.

> And possibly related...  Since upgrading my BIOS and installing W'95 I
> don't get the light that's supposed to indicate power to the PCMCIA cards
> any more.  It comes on when I first power on the machine (so I know it
> still works), but never again.

I think that's unrelated, but normal; I expect that this is just that
Win95's PCMCIA drivers don't know or care about the ThinkPad's PCMCIA
status light.


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 09:56:39 -0600
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: Tim Tyhurst <tim@excelsior.com>, lee@rmii.com (Lee Stewart)
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: 755C / Win '95 / Suspend & PCMCIA Loss
Message-Id: <[]>

At 11:10 AM 4/25/96 -0400, Tim Tyhurst wrote:
>> Frequently, but not always, after I suspend (i.e., close the cover), the
>> next time I resume, my PCMCIA modem has disappeared.  If I try to use it,
>> it says not found, if I look at the PCMCIA status it shows that slot as
>> empty.  Sometimes I can "recover" it by hibernating, then resuming, but
>> not always.  Frequently I have to shutdown, power off (and the shutdown
>> never completes when this is going on), and power back on to get it back.

Just a thought, but it may be that you can remove the card and re-install it
and the plug-and-play will find it when you re-install. Have you tried that?
I suspect that the drivers for that card can't handle suspension (not
reallly that rare a problem), and may not be able to handle plug-and-play!

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 10:12:56 -0600
From: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
To: runngdog@mcs.com (Dane Tyson), thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: 760E Docking Alternatives
Message-Id: <[]>

At 09:11 AM 4/25/96 CDT, Dane Tyson wrote:
>Because of the added features, I would still like to get the Dock II if
>that makes sense.  However, I have the uneasy feeling that the line quoted
>above is really not directed at new buyers like myself, but rather at
>current Dock II owners, reassuring them that they need not toss out their
>$700 stations if  they upgrade to a 760E.  Thus, I have a number of
>questions on which I am hoping that members of this list might have some
>useful facts and/or opinions:

I actually came to the opposite conclusion; I'll transfer my Dock II to the
person that will get my 755CX and get a SelectaDock I. However....

>1.      Will the Dock II, equipped with the above-mentioned conversion
>card, perform as well with the 760E as it does with the 760C?


>2.      Will the Dock II with conversion card perform as well with the 760E
>as the new SelectaDock system?

No. Because it's not PCI, I suspect there will be a performance difference.

>3.      If the answer to the above 2 questions is "yes," what is the price
>of a conversion card?

The internal IBM announcement letter said $34!

>4.      Is the lack of CardBus support on the Dock II something to worry
>about?  Is it something that can be "fixed" later on?

Perhaps; next generation PC Cards may require it, as I understand. I suspect
it cannot be fixed.

>5.      Does the "Selectadock I" designation imply the future release (no
>doubt within days of the expiration of my 30-day MBG on SelectaDock I) of a
>"SelectaDock II" which incorporates the Dock II features?  If so, is there
>any way besides investing in a $300 SCSI PC card to meet my short-term need
>for a SCSI port (so as to use my Zip drive) while waiting for a more
>complete SelectaDock system to be released?

My impression is that any SelectaDock II will be an upgrade for SelectaDock
I customers (the modularity they tout, don't you know). But, I don't know
anything that you don't...

>6.      Are there other advantages/disadvantages of the SelectaDock system
>vs. Dock II that I have missed?

The key difference for me is PCI versus ISA in the stations.

>Thanks in advance for thoughts, opinions, even facts.  Of course, in
>addition to the above, I would also like to hear opinions of current Dock
>II users on their units.

...and thanks for your e-mail on PC Compleat, as well. They have a Web site,
by the way, but it's not very compleat!   :-)

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado



End of thinkpad Digest
