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701C RAM

        Is there a 701 owner on the list that would be interested in a
gently-used 8 MB RAM module?  If so, might I ask what you would be willing
to pay for it?

        I'm thinking of getting a 16 MB module and the decision would be a
lot easier if I knew I had a buyer for my 8 MB module at a half-decent
price.  ;-)

        Perhaps you should e-mail me directly...

Randy Whittle           whittle@usc.edu         http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
USC Graduate School of Business

        Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male psyche
--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
                - Dave Barry, October 2, 1994