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Re: How much for 16meg/701C

On Wed, 24 Apr 1996 17:19:46 -0700, Randy Whittle wrote:

"At 4:50 PM 4/24/96, Christopher Jenks wrote:
">On Wed, 24 Apr 1996, Bill Bryan wrote:
">>         I'm going to upgrade my 701C with a 16 meg module.  What is a good
">> price these days for 16 megs.
">  I bought a 16MB module from PC Direct for $429 - they are on sale
">there currently.
">      - Chris
"        Wow!  $429?!  I think I paid $300-ish for an 8 MB module just a few
"months ago!  If I could have gotten 16 MB for that price, I would
"definitely have done so!
"        Have RAM prices come down lately?
	Yep, I'm afraid the market for 8MB modules is gonna be saturated for a while
unless...Say!  What if I buy a 5.5 volt chip for $285, let it burn out my
socket, stick my old 8MB approved chip in and say, "Gee, I dunno what coulda
	I'm kidding, of course,  I think even big blue would wonder why you kept
burning out the socket, unless you spent $285 for a chip you'd only use
laptop central: www.suba.com/~epbrown/