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For those of you who travel with laptops (fwd)

This may be relevant to many of you.  It certainly is to me.

>Travel Alert re: Laptop Theft
>>>The FAA recently learned of a hustle that's being employed at airports all
>>>across the country to steal laptop computers.  It involves two persons who
>>>look for a victim carrying a laptop and approaching a metal detector.
>>>They position themselves in front of the unsuspecting passenger. They
>>>stall until the mark puts the laptop computer on the conveyor belt. Then
>>>the first subject moves through the metal detector easily.  The second
>>>subject sets off the detector and begins a slow process of emptying
>>>removing jewelry, etc.  While this is happening, the first subject takes
>>>the laptop as soon as it appears on the conveyor belt and moves away
>>>When the passenger finally gets through the metal detector, the laptop is
>>>gone.  The subject that picks it up heads into the gate area and disappears
>>>among the crowd.  Sometimes a third subject will take a hand-off from the
>>>first subject and the computer is out of the restricted area before the
>>>mark even knows that it is gone.
>>>This is becoming a widely practiced problem and is happening at airports
>>>everywhere.  When traveling  with a laptop computer, try to avoid lines
>>>to enter a metal detector when possible.  When you can't do that, delay
>>>putting your luggage and laptop on the conveyor belt until you are sure
>>>that you will be the next person through the metal detector.  As you
>>>move through the metal detector, keep you eyes on the conveyor belt and
>>>watch for your luggage and laptop to come through as well as watching
>>>for what those in front of you are picking up.
>>>U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
>>>Captain Terry Bowman
>>>Chief, Technology Integration
>>>Secretary of the Air Force
>>>Office of Public Affairs
>>>(703) 695-8561

Victor Kress
Geophysical Laboratory
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20015-1305
(202) 686-2410 x2489
web page: http://granite.ciw.edu/~kress