1. 3D Transformations - Part 2 Mechanics 2. The 3-D Graphics Pipeline 3. Modeling transformations 4. Illumination 5. Viewing Transformation 6. Clipping and Projection 7. Rasterization and Display 8. Rigid-Body Transformations 9. Vector and Matrix Algebra 10. Cross Product in Matrix Form 11. Translations 12. Rotations 13. Decomposing Rotations 14. The Geometry of a Rotation 14a. The Geometry of a Rotation 14b. The Rodrigues Formula 15. The Symmetric Matrix 16. The Skew Symmetric Matrix 17. Weighting Factors 18. Some Sanity Checks 19. Some Sanity Checks 20. Some Sanity Checks 21. Quaternions 22. Quaternion Facts 23. Rotation by Quaternion 24. Quaternion Composition 25. Quaternion Interpolation 26. Euclidean Transformations 27. More Modeling Transforms 28. Next Time