1. Illumination and Shading - Part 1 2. Illumination Models 3. Two Components of Illumination 4. Ambient Light Source 5. Directional Light Sources 6. Point Light Sources 7. Other Light Sources 8. Ideal Diffuse Reflection 9. Lambert's Cosine Law 10. Computing Diffuse Reflection 11. Diffuse Lighting Examples 12. Specular Reflection 13. Snell's Law 14. Non-ideal Reflectors 15. Phong Illumination 16. Effect of nshiney 17. Computing Phong Illumination 18. Blinn & Torrance Variation 19. Phong Examples 20. Putting it all together 21. Where do we Illuminate? 22. Flat Shading 23. Facet Shading 24. Vertex Normals 25. Gouraud Shading 26. Phong Shading 27. Transforming Surface Normals 28. Normals Represent Tangent Spaces 29. Triangle Normals 30. Transforming Tangents 31. Transforming Normals 32. Normals of Nonplanar Surfaces 33. Discuss Project #4 34. Next Time