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problem with Adaptec SlimScsi


I have the following problem and would appreicate any help:

I recently bought a NEC MultiSpin 3Xp plus external CDROM and an Adaptec SlimScsi PCMCIA
card. I am having a tp755cx running Warp (3.0) and Windows 3.11 (the configuration came
preload). For the last week I tried to install the software drivers without any success.

Frist I tried to install the drivers under Windows. At the end, it created an Adpatec
program group but when I tried to use the CDROM player, it said the drivers are not
there. The way I installed the software was to invoke Windows under Warp and run the
installation there. I did not reboot to DOS and run Windows first. I am not sure if this
is the right way.

I did not play around with that very much since my interest was to get the CDROM 
running under OS/2 first. So I went to the "Selective Install" under Warp to install 
the driver stuffs for this NEC CDROM. I checked config.sys afterward and it looked 
like the installation had made the right changes. The section which I think is right 
looks like this:

REM following 5 lines were for SCSI/CDROM support used during install - begin
REM === SCSI/CDROM  support used during install - end
REM === ThinkPad PC Card Director - begin ===
DEVICE=C:\MWAVEOS2\BIN\mwbd0400.sys BUS=1150000
REM Client driver should be loaded here prior to $ICPMOS2.SYS
REM === ThinkPad PC Card Director - end ===

However, after I rebooted the machine, the machine could not find the CDROM. I tried
to register the CDROM player within the "Card Director", but when I launched the 
application, nothing happened. I tried to open the CDROM player and it said the
CDROM is not available. Next, I looked for newer drivers in Adpatec BBS, found one
(AHX152X.ADD), replaced it with the old one and I could not even boot my machine.
It complained about some internal error with the driver PCMCIA$. I am basically stuck
at this point.

Please help!

Thanks in advance.

-William Ng