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IBM Support

This message is to IBM, it has also been sent directly to IBM via
their Web site.

I would like to make a suggestion on behalf of a large number of
ThinkPad users who have access to the Internet although not
necessarily through Compuserve.  I would like to suggest that IBM
release software updates to its ftp/Web site with the same degree of
timeliness that it releases software to the Compuserve support forum.
Most recently, IBM has released Win95 MWAVE drivers on Compuserve but
failed to put them on the ftp/Web site (it is also interesting to note
that IBM also releases software updates to Compuserve before posting
on its own dialup BBS).

Given that Compuserve represents a small percentage of the size of the
overall Internet population, it would seem that IBM is not making much
effort to service the majority of its installed base.  Furthermore,
IBM's de-emphasis of the Internet as a medium for software support and
distribution in favor of a private service is directly in opposition
to IBM's stated support of the Internet as a basis for future products
and technology.  It is hard to take IBM's stated commitment to the
Internet seriously when it won't support its users through this
important medium - Microsoft does.

While IBM deals with this problem, it would sure be nice if they would
post the MWAVE 95 drivers to their ftp site.  IBM: are you listening? 
Show us by posting a response stating your position on release 
schedules for software updates on the Internet.

Christopher Cunningham