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Re: multiple net connections

>Date: Fri, 03 Nov 1995 03:00:51
>To: Alden S Klovdahl <Alden.Klovdahl@anu.edu.au>
>From: A J Annala <a.annala@ucl.ac.uk>
>Subject: Re: multiple net connections
>At 01:33 PM 11/3/95 +1100, you wrote:
>>any easy/inexpensive way to shift between different networks (eg, office,
>>one ip address; lecture theater, enet, another ip address; home, modem, PPP, 
>>still another ip address), without having to reconfigure each time, and 
>>without having to pay a lot for functunality to you don't need?
>It depends on what you want to do at home and office.  I frankly think all
>this MS-Lan Manager, Novelle Net Manager, etc stuff is over complicated --
>and prone to too many configuration / reconfiguration change problems.  
>I put simple Trumpet WinSock on my Thinkpad 750Cs.  There is an overall
>directory for my campus c:\UCL with subdirectories for various clients and
>connection methods:
>      C:\UCL\ETHERNET  --  TRUMPET configured with IP addr for my Office
>      C:\UCL\SLIP      --  TRUMPET configured with IP addr for my Home
>                       --  this TRUMPET is the only one in my DOS PATH
>      C:\UCL\TN        --  NCSA TN3270 & 3C589 Ethernet Card Drivers
>      C:\UCL\EUDORA    -- offline email package
>      C:\UCL\CUSEEME   -- videoconferencing
>      C:\UCL\GOCUSM    -- videoconferincing IP dialing package
>      C:\UCL\IPHONE    -- internet audioconferinging
>      C:\UCL\IRCIIWIN  -- internet chat
>      C:\UCL\NETSCAPE  -- www browser
>      C:\UCL\NTERM26   -- VT100/ANSI terminal
>      C:\UCL\SPOOL     -- print spooling (tmp) directory
>      C:\UCL\WINTALK   -- internet talk
>      C:\UCL\WINVN     -- network news
>      C:\UCL\WLPRS     -- unix print spooler
>There are two ICONS in my windows EXECUTABLES folder -- one which is LABELED
>ETHERNET (TCPMAN -ip=<office ip address octet>)and one which is LABELED
>SLIP (TCPMAN -ip= for dynamic address assignment from home.  
>When I am at office, I turn on PC, enter TNINIT (a bat file in \UCL\TN) 
>which loads DOS drivers for ethernet (3C589PD.EXE, WINPKT.EXE) -- you could
>put this in BAT file if you don't care about low memory / UMB consumption --
>run Windows, click on ETHERNET, run whatever Winsock applications are needed.
>When I am at home, I just click on the appropriate Winsock application --
>and it searches through the DOS PATH, finds the TCPMAN configured for SLIP,
>dials the phone, does whatever I need, and disconnects automatically.  If
>I want to stay connected at home without automatic connection/disconnection
>I just click on SLIP TCPMAN.
>By the way, don't forget to load everything (drivers, shims, whatever) HIGH
>-- and make B000-B7FF, and E000-E5FF available for UMBs.  With card services,
>ethernet drivers, etc all loaded I still have 630KB lower memory available.
>Dr. Alexander J. Annala
>Senior Research Fellow
>Laboratory for Molecular Pharmacology
>University College London