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multiple net connections

any easy/inexpensive way to shift between different networks (eg, office, enet,
one ip address; lecture theater, enet, another ip address; home, modem, PPP, 
still another ip address), without having to reconfigure each time, and 
without having to pay a lot for functunality to you don't need?

on a tp755ce running wfwg 3.11

regards, al

 Alden S. Klovdahl, Ph.D              e-mail: alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au 
 Department of Sociology                 fax: +61 62 49 05 25          
 The Faculties                            voice -                      
 The Australian National University       messages:  +61 62 49 45 21   
 Canberra A.C.T.                         my office:  +61 62 49 44 79  
 Australia  0200                              home:  +61 62 82 35 81