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TP-755CX keyboard release problem

TP-755CX Owners,

   Could someone please take a moment to referee a little match
   between me and IBM?  Yes?  OK, don your striped shirt ...

   I'm having a lot of difficulty raising the keyboard on my 'Pad.
   It seems to me that the releases were assembled incorrectly.
   When I described the problem on the phone to someone at IBM,
   he agreed with me.  So I sent it in for repair, but got it back
   today with a note to say that there's nothing at all wrong with it.

   OK, here's what seems to be wrong.  At the front corners of the
   keyboard are two little metal tabs, which are moved forward by the
   two small sliders on the side of the unit.  On my machine, these
   tabs look like:

          __                __
         |  |              |  |
          \ |              | /          ........ Exhibit A
           \|              |/

   whereas is seems to me that they should instead look like:

          __                __
         |  |              |  |
         | /                \ |         ........ Exhibit B
         |/                  \|

   Could you please take a moment to look at your 755CX, and let me know
   whether yours is like A or B?

   Right now, the only way I can get the keyboard to open is to pull the
   tabs to one side with my thumbnail and then slide them forward.

   Thanks very much!  Since this is unlikely to be of great interest
   to the entire group, perhaps it's better to just e-mail me rather
   than posting.

Cheers, Joseph

PS: Impressive service from IBM! -- I called in the problem on Wed,
    they shipped me a box by Thu, I sent the 'Pad on Thu, and I had
    it back today, Mon.  Wow! ... even if they fail to repair it ...

Joseph Manning / Computer Science / Vassar College / manning@cs.vassar.edu