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Re: erooor 8611 at startup

Hi -

This is a pointing device error when the TrackPoint II is enabled.  To fix,
try these steps in order until it works (from IBM's Hardware Maint. Manual) -

1.  Reseat the keyboard Track Point II cable at the interposer card (what it
plugs in to).

2.  Replace the keyboard if this doesn't work.

3.  Replace the external mouse (if you are using one).

4.  Replace the system board.

As for when you remove whatever and then this doesn't happen, well - I have
no idea what that means, nor does the Maint. Manual say anything about it.
I imagine another work around might be turning off the TP-II and using a

Billy Y..

> I have had trouble in getting a TP750 to boot. After the 120xx KB OK message
> i get a line "8611" as an error code. Occasionally, when i remove the HD,
> Floppy or the DRAm card the machine will boot normally. 
> It is impossible event to get into the EasySetup after the error cpde.
> Trackpoint seems to freeze also. 
> Any hints what 8611 could refer to?