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Re: TP-755CX keyboard release problem

On Tue, 29 Aug 95, manning@cs.vassar.edu (Joseph Manning) wrote:
>TP-755CX Owners,
>   Could someone please take a moment to referee a little match
>   between me and IBM?  Yes?  OK, don your striped shirt ...
>          __                __
>         |  |              |  |
>          \ |              | /          ........ Exhibit A
>           \|              |/

My 755CX is exactly like yours (Exhibit A) and, frankly, works
exactly the same way.  I've examined this on several 755CX
models and the ability to slide forward "smoothly" definitely
varies from unit to unit.  One of the five units I examined
did slide smoothly while releasing the keyboard, but most tabs
had to be moved slightly towards the outside of the case (just
like you described) in order to release the keyboard.  

I suppose if you spoke to an IBM marketing person, they would tell
you that this is a design "feature" to prevent some bad guy/gal 
from opening your keyboard too easily and stealing your battery
or hard drive.  My educated guess is that this is just a manufacturing
"flaw" which varies from unit to unit depending on how close to specs
the keyboard frame and release tabs are built.  Since it only requires
a little extra effort to release the keyboard, I'm personally not too
concerned about this issue.  

If IBM won't help you and you are really bothered by this problem,
I'd suggest using a very fine file to "fine tune" the tab or keyboard
frame until it slides the way you want.  Just be careful about getting
metal filings into your unit.

        --Sandy     / _  _ \
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