These publications are sorted by type, then by year, and then by author. Some of these files are in compressed postscript, while others are in PDF.
Published Papers (including submissions, where available)
Theses & Other Unpublished Reports
Technical Reports
Published Papers
Paris, S., and F. Durand
A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter using a Signal Processing Approach
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV'09)
Su, S. L., S. Paris, and F. Durand
QuickSelect: History-Based Selection Expansion
Proceedings of the 35th Graphics Interface Conference, pp. 215-221, Kelowna, BC, Canada, May 2009.
Barbič, J., and J. Popović
Real-time Control of Physically Based Simulations using Gentle Forces |
[video] |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 27(5) (SIGGRAPH Asia 2008), Singapore, December 2008
Ben-Artzi, A., K. Egan, F. Durand, and R. Ramamoorthi
Precomputed Polynomial Representation for Interactive BRDF Editing with Global Illumination
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(2), April 2008
da Silva, M., Y. Abe, and J. Popović
Interactive Simulation of Stylized Human Locomotion |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 27(3), 2008, pages 82:1-82:10
da Silva, M., Y. Abe, and J. Popović
Simulation of Human Motion Data using Short-Horizon Model-Predictive Control |
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(2), 2008, pages 371-380
Goldberg, A., M. Zwicker, and F. Durand
Anisotropic Noise
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), August 2008
Hsu, E., T. Mertens, S. Paris, S. Avidan, F. Durand
Light Mixture Estimation for Spatially Varying White Balance
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), August 2008
Lehtinen, J., M. Zwicker, J. Kontkanen, E. Turquin, F. Sillion, T. Aila, and F. Durand
A Meshless Hierarchical Representation for Light Transport
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), August 2008
Levin, A., W. T. Freeman, F. Durand
Understanding camera trade-offs through a Bayesian analysis of light field projections
Proc. of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oct 2008
Levin, A., P. Sand, T. S. Cho, F. Durand, W. T. Freeman
Motion Invariant Photography
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc. Siggraph), August 2008
Paris, S., W. Chang, W. Jarosz, O. Kozhushnyan, W. Matusik, M. Zwicker, and F. Durand
Hair Photobooth: Geometric and Photometric Acquisition of Real Hairstyles
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3), (Proc.Siggraph), August 2008
Vlasic, D., I. Baran, W. Matusik, and J. Popović
Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 27(3), 2008, pages 97:1-97:9
Abe, Y., M. da Silva, and J. Popović
Multiobjective Control with Frictional Contacts |
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2007, pages 249-258
Bae, S., and F. Durand
Defocus Magnification
Proceedings of Eurographics, 2007
Baran, I., and J. Popović
Automatic Rigging and Animation of 3D Characters |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 26(3), 2007, pages 72:1-72:8
Chen, J., S. Paris, and F. Durand
Real-time Edge-Aware Image Processing with the Bilateral Grid
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Dachsbacher, C., M. Stamminger, G. Drettakis, F. Durand
Implicit Visibility and Antiradiance for Interactive Global Illumination
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Green, P., W. Sun, W. Matusik, and F. Durand
Multi-aperture Photography
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Green, P., J. Kautz, and F. Durand
Efficient Reflectance and Visibility Approximations for Environment Map Rendering
Proceedings of Eurographics, 2007
Hsu, E., M. da Silva, and J. Popović
Guided Time Warping for Motion Editing |
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2007, pages 42-52
Judd, T., F. Durand, E. H. Adelson
Apparent Ridges for Line Drawing
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Kautz, J., S. Boulos, F. Durand
Interactive Editing and Modeling of Bidirectional Texture Functions
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Levin, A., R. Fergus, F. Durand, W.Freeman
Image and Depth from a Conventional Camera with a Coded Aperture
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 26(3), (Proc.Siggraph), July 2007
Paris, S., and F. Durand
A Topological Approach to Hierarchical Segmentation using Mean Shift
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'07)
Ragan-Kelley, J., C. Kilpatrick, B.W. Smith, D. Epps, P. Green, C. Hery, and F. Durand
The Lightspeed Automatic Interactive Lighting Preview System.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH'07 conference), July 2007.
Su, S. L.
Visualizing, Editing, and Inferring Structure in 2D Graphics
Doctoral Symposium, In Adjunct Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2007), pp. 29-32, Newport, RI, October 2007.
Vlasic, D., R. Adelsberger, G. Vannucci, J. Barnwell, M. Gross, W. Matusik, and J. Popović
Practical Motion Capture in Everyday Surroundings |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 26(3), 2007, pages 35:1-35:9
Wang, R., K. Pulli, and J. Popović
Real-Time Enveloping with Rotational Regression |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 26(3), 2007, pages 73:1-73:9
Zwicker, M., A. Vetro, S. Yea, W. Matusik, H. Pfister, and F. Durand
Signal Processing for Multi-View 3D Displays: Resampling, Antialiasing and Compression
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, November 2007
Abe, Y., and J. Popović
Interactive Animation of Dynamic Manipulation |
ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2006, pages 195-203
Bae, S., S. Paris, and F. Durand.
Two-scale Tone Management for Photographic Look.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH'06 conference), July 2006.
Der, K. G., R. W. Sumner, and J. Popović
Inverse Kinematics for Reduced Deformable Models
ACM Transactions on Graphics 25(3), 2006, pages 1174-1179
Green, P., J. Kautz, W. Matusik, and F. Durand.
View-Dependent Precomputed Light Transport Using Nonlinear Gaussian Function Approximations.
Proceedings of ACM 2006 Symposium in Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, March, 2006.
Mertens, T., J. Kautz, J. Chen, P. Bekaert, and F. Durand
Texture Transfer Using Geometry Correlation
Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2006
Ngan, A. and F. Durand.
Statistical Acquisition of Texture Appearance.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June 2006.
Ngan, A., F. Durand and W. Matusik.
Image-driven Navigation of Analytical BRDF Models.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June 2006.
Paris, S. and F. Durand.
A Fast Approximation of the Bilateral Filter using a Signal Processing Approach.
Proceedings of Computer Vision - ECCV 2006, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006.
Radhakrishnan, M. L. and S. L. Su
Dead-End Elimination as a Heuristic for Min-Cut Image Segmentation.
Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International
Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2006),
October, 2006
Weyrich, T., W. Matusik, H. Pfister, B. Bickel, C. Donner, C. Tu, J. McAndless, J. Lee, A. Ngan, H. Wann Jensen, M. Gross.
Analysis of Human Faces using a Measurement-Based Skin Reflectance Model.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 25(3), July 2006.
Zwicker, M., W. Matusik, F. Durand, and H. Pfister
Antialiasing for Automultiscopic Displays
Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, 2006
Chen, J., M. I. Gordon, W. Thies, M. Zwicker, K. Pulli, and F. Durand
A Reconfigurable Architecture for Load-Balanced Rendering
SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Graphics Hardware, 2005
Durand, F., N. Holzschuch, C. Soler, E. Chan, and F. Sillion.
A Frequency Analysis of Light Transport.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 1115-1126.
Hsu, E., K. Pulli, and J. Popović.
Style Translation for Human Motion.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 1082-1089.
Liu, C., A. Torralba, W. Freeman, F. Durand, and E. Adelson.
Motion Magnification.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 519-526.
Matusik, W., M. Zwicker, and F. Durand.
Texture design using a simplicial complex of morphable textures.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 787-794.
McGuire, M., W. Matusik, H. Pfister, J.F. Hughes, and F. Durand.
Defocus Video Matting.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 567-576.
Ngan, A., F. Durand and W. Matusik.
Experimental Analysis of BRDF Models.
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, June 2005, pp. 117--226.
Su, S. L., F. Durand, and M. Agrawala.
De-Emphasis of Distracting Image Regions Using Texture Power Maps.
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, pp. 119-124, October 2005.
Sulejmanpasic, A., and J. Popović.
Adaptation of performed ballistic motion |
[video] |
[comparisons video]
ACM Transactions on Graphics 24(1), 2005, pages 165-179
Sumner, R., M. Zwicker, C. Gotsman, and J. Popović.
Mesh-based Inverse Kinematics.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3), July 2005, pp. 488-495.
Vlasic, D., M. Brand, H. Pfister, and J. Popović
Face Transfer with Multilinear Models |
[overview video] |
[singing video]
ACM Transactions on Graphics 24(3), 2005, pages 426-433
Yu, J. and L. McMillan.
Modelling Reflections via Multiperspective Imaging.
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005), San Diego, CA, June 20-26 2005, pp. 117-124.
Yu, J. and L. McMillan.
Multiperspective Projection and Collineation.
Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Volume 1 (ICCV '05), Beijing, P. R. China, October 2005, pp. 580-587.
Yu, J., J. Yang, and L. McMillan.
Real-Time Reflection Mapping with Parallax.
Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (SI3D '05), Washington, DC, pp. 133-138.
Zeng, G., S. Paris, L. Quan, and F. Sillion.
Progressive Surface Reconstruction from Images using a Local Prior.
Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Volume 2 (ICCV '05), Beijing, P. R. China, October 2005, pp. 1230-1237.
Hsu, E., S. Gentry, and J. Popović
Example-based control of human motion |
ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2004, pages 69-77
Raskar, R., A. Ilie, and J. Yu.
Image Fusion for Context Enhancement.
Proceedings of the the 3rd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2004 (NPAR 2004), Annecy, France, pp. 85-152.
Raskar, R., K. Tan, R. Feris, J, Yu, and M. Turk.
Non-photorealistic Camera: Depth Edge Detection and Stylized Rendering using Multi-Flash Imaging.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 23(3), August 2004, pp. 679-688.
Sand, P. and S. Teller
Video Matching.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 23(3), August 2004, pp. 592-599.
Su, S. L., C. Wu, Y.-Q. Xu, and H.-Y. Shum.
A Hybrid Approach to Rendering Handwritten Characters
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG '04), February 2004, pp. 427-434.
Sumner, R. W., and J. Popović
Deformation transfer for triangle meshes |
ACM Transactions on Graphics 23(3), 2004, pages 399-405
Yu, J. and L. McMillan.
A Framework for Multiperspective Rendering.
Proceedings of the 15th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques (EGSR), Norköping, Sweden, June 21-23, 2004, pp. 61-68.
Yu, J. and L. McMillan.
General Linear Cameras.
Proceedings of Computer Vision - ECCV 2004, 8th European Conference on Computer Vision, Prague, Czech Republic, May 11-14, 2004. Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3022 Springer 2004, pp. 14-27.
Computer Graphics Group
Annual Report - Research Abstracts (research conducted from 2002 through February 2003)
LCS Research Abstracts, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, March 2003.
Bosse, M., P. Newman, J. Leonard, M. Soika, W. Feiten, and S. Teller
An Atlas Framework for Scalable Mapping (Extended abstract)
To appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2003.
Chan, E. and F. Durand
Rendering Fake Soft Shadows with Smoothies
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Leuven, Belgium, June 2003, pp. 208-218.
Cohen-Or, D., Y. Chrysanthou, C. Silva, and F. Durand
A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9(3):412-431, July 2003.
Cunzi, M., J. Thollot, S. Paris, G. Debunne, J-D Gascuel, and F. Durand
Dynamic Canvas for Non-Photorealistic Walkthroughs
To appear in Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2003, June 2003.
Décoret, X., F. Durand, F. Sillion, and J. Dorsey
Billboard Clouds for Extreme Model Simplification
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2003, pp. 689-696.
Jones, T.R., F. Durand, and M. Desbrun
Non-Iterative, Feature-Preserving Mesh Smoothing
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2003, pp. 943-949.
Matusik, W., H. Pfister, M. Brand, and L. McMillan
A Data-Driven Reflectance Model
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2003, pp. 759-769.
Matusik, W., H. Pfister, M. Brand, and L. McMillan
Efficient Isotropic BRDF Measurement
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Leuven, Belgium, June 2003.
Popović, J., S. Seitz, and M. Erdmann
Motion Sketching for Control of Rigid-Body Simulations
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22(4), October 2003, pp. 1-21
Sand, P., L. McMillan, and J. Popović
Continuous Capture of Skin Deformation
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2003, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2003, pp. 578-586.
Teller, S., M. Antone, Z. Bodnar, M. Bosse, S. Coorg, M. Jethwa, and N. Master
Calibrated, Registered Images of an Extended Urban Area
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 53(1), June 2003, pp. 93-107.
Teller, S., J. Chen, H. Balakrishnan
Pervasive Pose-Aware Applications and Infrastructure
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications Vol. 23, No. 4, Jul/Aug 2003, pp. 14-18
Vlasic, D., H. Pfister, S. Molinov, R. Grzeszczuk, W. Matusik
Opacity Light Fields: Interactive Rendering of Surface Light Fields with View-Dependent Opacity
ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, 2003, pages 65-74
Willats, J. and F. Durand
Defining Pictorial Style: Lessons from Linguistics and Computer Graphics
Submitted to Axiomathes.
Ziegler, R., W. Matusik, H. Pfister, and L. McMillan
3D Reconstruction Using Labeled Image Regions
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Aachen, Germany, June 23-25, 2003.
Computer Graphics Group
Annual Report - Research Abstracts (research conducted from 2001 through February 2002)
LCS Research Abstracts, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, March 2002, pp. 293-328.
Antone, M. and S. Teller
Scalable Extrinsic Calibration of Omni-Directional Image Networks
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 49(2/3), March 2002, pp. 143-174.
Bosse, M., R. Rikoski, J. Leonard, and S. Teller.
Vanishing Points and 3D Lines from Omnidirectional Video
Proceedings of ICIP 2002, Rochester, NY, September 2002, pp. 513-516.
Bhat, K. S., Seitz, S. M., Popović, J., Khosla, P. K.
Computing the Physical Parameters of Rigid-Body Motion from Video. Computer Vision - ECCV 2002,
7th European Conference on Computer Vision, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 28-31, 2002, Proceedings,
Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2350 Springer 2002, 551-565.
Cutler, B., J. Dorsey, L. McMillan, M. Müller, and R. Jagnow.
A procedural approach to authoring solid models. (PDF | PS (compressed)
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2002, pp. 302-311.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Durand, F.
An Invitation to Discuss Computer Depiction.
Proceedings of NPAR 2002, the 2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, June 2002.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Durand, F., G. Drettakis, and C. Puech.
The 3D Visibility Complex.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21(2), April 2002.
Durand, F., and J. Dorsey.
Fast Bilateral Filtering for the Display of High-Dynamic-Range Images.
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2002.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Jagnow, R. and J. Dorsey.
Virtual Sculpting with Haptic Displacement Maps.
Proceedings of Graphics Interface, May 2002.
Matusik, W., H. Pfister, A. Ngan, P. Beardsley, R. Ziegler, and L. McMillan.
Image-Based 3D Photography Using Opacity Hulls.
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2002, in Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2002.
Matusik, W., H. Pfister, R. Ziegler, A. Ngan, and L. McMillan.
Acquisition and Rendering of Transparent and Refractive Objects.
Proceedings of Thirteenth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002, pp. 267-277.
Müller, M., J. Dorsey, L. McMillan, R. Jagnow, and B. Cutler.
Stable Real-Time Deformations.
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation 2002, July 2002.
Teller, S., X. Wang, S. Totaro, F. Taillandier, and A. Hanson
Recovering Facade Texture and Microstructure from Real-World Images
Proceedings of ISPRS Commission III Symposium on Photogrammetric Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, September 2002, pp. A381-386.
Yang, J., M. Everett, C. Buehler, and L. McMillan.
A Real-Time Distributed Light Field Camera.
Proceedings of Thirteenth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Pisa, Italy, June 2002, pp. 77-85.
Buehler, C., M. Bosse, L. McMillan, S. Gortler, and M. Cohen
Unstructured Lumigraph Rendering
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 2001, pp. 425-432.
Buehler, C., M. Bosse, and L. McMillan
"Non-Metric Image-Based Rendering for Video Stabilization."
Proceedings of CVPR, 2001.
Durand, F., V. Ostromoukhov, M. Miller, F. Duranleau, and J. Dorsey
Decoupling Strokes and High-Level Attributes for Interactive Traditional Drawing
Proceedings of Twelfth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, London, England, June 2001, pp. 71-82.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Jensen, H. W., F. Durand, M. Stark, S. Premoze, J. Dorsey, and P. Shirley
A Physically-Based Nightsky Model
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 2001, pp. 399-408.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Legakis, J., J. Dorsey, and S. Gortler
Feature-Based Cellular Texturing for Architectural Models (PDF | Postscript (compressed))
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 2001, pp. 309-316.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Matusik, W., C. Buehler, and L. McMillan
Polyhedral Visual Hulls for Real-Time Rendering
Proceedings of Twelfth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, London, England, June 2001, pp. 115225.
Müller, M., J. Dorsey, L. McMillan, and R. Jagnow
Real-Time Simulation of Deformation and Fracture of Stiff Materials
Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation 2001 (CAS 2001), Manchester, United Kingdom, September 2001, pp. 113224.
Oh, B. M., M. Chen, J. Dorsey, and F. Durand
Image-Based Modeling and Photo Editing
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 2001, pp. 433-442.
See the project web site for more information on this research.
Shlyakhter, I., M. Rozenoer, J. Dorsey, and S. Teller
Reconstructing 3D Tree Models from Instrumented Photographs
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(3):53-61, May/June 2001.
Tolba, O., J. Dorsey, and L. McMillan
A Projective Drawing System
Color Plates
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, March 19-21,
2001, pp. 25-34.
Antone, M. and S. Teller
Automatic Recovery of Relative Camera Rotations for Urban Scenes (PDF | Postscript (compressed))
Proceedings of CVPR, 2000, Volume II, June 2000, pp. 282-289.
Bosse, M., D. De Couto, and S. Teller
Eyes of Argus: Georeferenced Imagery in Urban Environments (PDF | PostScript (compressed))
GPS World, April 2000, pp. 20-30.
Coorg, S. and S. Teller
Spherical Mosaics with Quaternions and Dense Correlation
International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 37(3), June 2000, pp. 259-273.
Dorsey, J. and P. Hanrahan
Digital Materials and Virtual Weathering
Scientific American, Vol. 282:2, February 2000, pp. 46-53.
Durand, F.
A multidisciplinary survey of visibility.
Visibility, Problems, Techniques, and Applications, Course Notes of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, July 2000.
Durand, F., G. Drettakis, J. Thollot, and C. Puech.
Conservative Visibility Preprocessing using Extended Projections
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2000, pp. 239-248.
See the project web site for this paper.
Durand, F. and J. Dorsey
Interactive Tone Mapping
Proceedings of Eleventh Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Brno, Czech Republic, June 2000, pp. 219-230.
See also the project web site.
Isaksen, A., L. McMillan, and S. Gortler
Dynamically Reparameterized Light Fields (PDF | Postscript (compressed))
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2000, pp. 297-306.
Matusik, W., C. Buehler, R. Raskar, S. Gortler, and L. McMillan
Image-Based Visual Hulls
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2000, pp. 369-374.
Monks, M., B.M. Oh, and J. Dorsey
Audioptimization: Goal Based Acoustic Design
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May/June 2000, pp. 76-91.
Popović, J., Seitz, S. M., Erdmann, M., Popović, Z., and Witkin, A.
Interactive Manipulation of Rigid Body Simulations |
In Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000), ACM SIGGRAPH, Annual Conference Series, 209-217
Schaufler, G. and H. W. Jensen
Ray Tracing Point Sampled Geometry
Proceedings of Eleventh Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Brno, Czech Republic, June 2000, pp. 319-328.
See also the project web site.
Schaufler, G., J. Dorsey, X. Decoret, and F. Sillion
Conservative Volumetric Visibility with Occluder Fusion
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, July 2000, pp. 229-238.
See also the project web site.
Bala, K., J. Dorsey, and S. Teller
Interactive Ray-Traced Scene Editing Using Ray Segment Trees
Proceedings of Tenth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Granada, Spain, June 1999, pp. 31-44.
Bala, K., J. Dorsey, and S. Teller
Radiance Interpolants for Accelerated Bounded-Error Ray Tracing (PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Color Plate 1, Color Plate 2, Color Plate 3, Color Plate 4
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 18(3), July 1999, pp. 213-256.
Briceño, H. M., S. Gortler, and L. McMillan
NAIVE - Network Aware Internet Video Encoding
Proceedings of Seventh ACM International Multimedia Conference, (ACM MULTIMEDIA'99, Orlando, FL, Oct. 30 - Nov. 5,1999), pp. 251-260.
Coorg, S. and S. Teller
Extracting Textured Vertical Facades from Controlled Close-Range Imagery (PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Proceedings of CVPR, 1999, pp. 625-632.
Decoret, X., G. Schaufler, F. Sillion, and J. Dorsey
Multi-layered impostors for accelerated rendering
Computer Graphics Forum 18:3 (Proceedings of Eurographics '99), pp. 61-73.
See also the project web site.
Dorsey, J., A. Edelman, H. Jensen, J. Legakis, and H. Pedersen
Modeling and Rendering of Weathered Stone
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH '99, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 1999, pp. 225-234.
Jensen, H., J. Legakis, and J. Dorsey
Rendering of Wet Materials
Proceedings of Tenth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Granada, Spain, June 1999, pp. 273-282.
McMillan, L. and S. Gortler
Image-Based Rendering: A New Interface Between Computer Vision and Computer Graphics
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics 33:4 (Applications of Computer Vision to Computer Graphics), November 1999, pp. 61-64.
Tolba, O., J. Dorsey, and L. McMillan
Sketching with Projective 2D Strokes
UIST '99: Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology, Asheville, North Carolina, November 7-10, 1999, CHI Letters, Vol 1, Issue 1, pp. 149-157.
Chou, G. T. and S. Teller
Multi-Level 3D Reconstruction with Visibility Constraints
Proceedings of Image Understanding Workshop, 1998.
Dorsey, J. and L. McMillan.
Computer graphics and architecture: state of the art and outlook for the future.
Computer Graphics, 32(1): 45--48, February, 1998.
Teichmann, M. and M. Capps
Surface Reconstruction with Anisotropic Density-Scaled Alpha Shapes
Proceedings of Visualization'98, October 1998.
Teichmann, M. and S. Teller
Assisted Articulation of Closed Polygonal Models.
Proceedings of Ninth Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation, August 1998.
Teller, S.; N. Boyd; B. Porter and N. Tornow.
Distributed Development and Teaching of Algorithmic Concepts (also as PDF).
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH '98. Educational Track, July 1998.
Teller, S., S. Coorg, and N. Master
Acquisition of a Large Pose-Mosaic Dataset
Proceedings of CVPR 1998, pp. 872--878 (an early TR is here).
Tolba, O., H. Briceño, and L. McMillan
Pure Java-based Streaming MPEG Player (PDF | PostScript)
Proceedings of Multimedia Systems and Applications, part of SPIE's symposium in Boston, Nov 1998.
Capps, M. and S. Teller.
Communications Visibility in Shared Virtual Worlds (PDF | PostScript)
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, Cambridge, MA, June 18-20, 1997.
Chow, M. M.
Optimized Geometry Compression for Real-time Rendering
Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization '97, Phoenix, AZ, October 19-24, 1997.
Coorg, S. and S. Teller.
Real-Time Occlusion Culling for Models with Large Occluders (267k)
Proceedings of the 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics , Providence, Rhode Island, April 27-30, 1997.
Also available uncompressed postscript (1620k) and color plate (3885k).
Feldgoise, J.; J. Dorsey; M. Agrawala; A. Beers; B. Frohlich and P. Hanrahan.
"Architectural Applications and the Responsive Workbench."
Designing Digital Space, by Daniela Bertol. NewYork: Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1997.
Popović, J. and Hoppe, H.
Progressive Simplicial Complexes
In Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97), ACM SIGGRAPH, Annual Conference Series, 217-224
Certain, A., Popović, J., DeRose, T., Duchamp, T., Salesin, D.H., and Stuetzle, W.
Interactive Multiresolution Surface Viewing
In Computer Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96), ACM SIGGRAPH, Annual Conference Series, 91-98
Coorg, S. and S. Teller.
Temporally Coherent Conservative Visibility
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, Philadelphia, PA. May 24-26, 1996.
Dorsey, J. and P. Hanrahan.
Modeling and Rendering of Metallic Patinas
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH '96, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pp. 387-396, August 1996.
Dorsey, J., H. Pedersen, and P. Hanrahan
Flow and Changes in Appearance
Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH '96, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pp. 411-420, August 1996.
Monks, M. C., B. M. Oh, and J. Dorsey
Acoustic simulation and visualization using a new unified beam tracing and image source approach
Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, 1996.
Nimeroff, J., J. Dorsey, and H. Rushmeier
Implemention and analysis of a global illumination framework
for animated environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2(4):283-298, December 1996.
Teller, S., K. Bala, and J. Dorsey
Conservative Radiance Interpolants for Ray Tracing (Color Plate)
Seventh Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, Porto, Portugal, pp. 257-268, June 1996.
Dorsey, J., J. Arvo and D. P. Greenberg
Interactive Design of Complex Time-Dependent Lighting
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 15(2): 26--36, March, 1995
Nimeroff, J.; J. Dorsey and H. Rushmeier
A framework for global illumination in animated environments
Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Rendering Workshop, Dublin, Ireland (1995), 223-236.
Nimeroff, J.; J. Dorsey; E. Simoncelli and N. Badler.
Rendering spaces for architectural environments.
Presence, 4(3): 286--296, Summer, 1995.
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Theses and Unpublished Reports
A big part of CGG is its students (graduate and undergraduate). With the students come their theses and
papers. This is a listing of theses and advanced undergraduate project papers that were written in our group.
They are sorted by year and then by author.
(NOTA BENE: Some of these files are in postscript form while others are in PDF. To facilitate download times,
some are also compressed with gzip.)
Su, Sara L.
"Enhanced Visual Authoring Using Operation History"
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2009.
Arizpe, Arturo Andrew
"A Critical Comparison of Human Face Rendering Techniques."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Sand, Peter
"Long-Range Video Motion Estimation using Point Trajectories."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.
Alex, John
"Hybrid Sketching: A New Middle Ground Between 2- and 3-D."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
Eustice, Ryan
"Large-Area Visually Augmented Navigation for
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2005.
Moore, David Christopher
"Robust Distributed Sensor Network Localization with Noisy Range Measurements."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
Sumner, Robert Walker
"Mesh Modification Using Deformation Gradients." (29.0 MB)
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
Yang, Jason Chieh-Sheng
"Design and Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Camera Array."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
Baliga, Roshan Bantwal
"Rapid Coordinate System Creation and Mapping Using Crickets."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Video of Cricket Demonstration, encoded with Divx 5
Bosse, Michael Carsten
"ATLAS: A Framework for Large Scale Automated Mapping and Localization."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Jethwa, Manish
"Efficient Volumetric Reconstruction from Multiple Calibrated Cameras."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Kulikov, Vitaliy Y.
"Building Model Generation Project: Generating a Model of the MIT Campus Terrain."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Nichols, Patrick James II
"Location-Aware Active Signage."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Wang, Kevin John
"An Ultrasonic Compass for Context-Aware Mobile Applications."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Wolfe, Jonathan Eric
"EClerk Office Assistant."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.
Also available is a demo movie (MPG format) of EClerk in action.
Bell, Jason Murray
"An API for Location Aware Computing."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Matusik, Wojciech
"A Data-Driven Reflectance Model."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Ngan, Wai Kit Addy
"Image-based 3D Scanning System using Opacity Hulls."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003.
Bodnar, Zachary Modest
"A Visualization Toolkit for Large Geospatial Image Datasets."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
Buehler, Christopher James
"Rendering from Unstructured Collections of Images."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
Oh, Byong-Mok
A System for Image-Based Modeling and Photo Editing.
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
Vlasic, Daniel
"Fake Phong Shading."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2002.
Antone, Matthew E.
"Robust Camera Pose Recovery Using Stochastic Geometry."
George M. Sprowls Award Winner!!!
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Chao, Wesley S.
"Integrated Test Cases in Educational Fusion."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Chen, Max
"Interactive Specification and Acquisition of Depth from Single Images."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Jagnow, Robert Carl
"Virtual Sculpting with Haptic Displacement Maps."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Matusik, Wojciech
"Image-Based Visual Hulls."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Sumner, Robert Walker
"Pattern Formation in Lichen."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Tolba, Osama
"A Projective Approach to Computer-Aided Drawing."
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.
Chou, George T.
"Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction: A Triangulation-Based Approach."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Glazer, Joshua
"Improved Algorithm Visualization and Witness Detection in Educational Fusion."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Isaksen, Aaron
"Dynamically Reparameterized Light Fields."
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Kjølaas, Kari Anne Høier
"Automatic Furniture Population of Large Architectural Models."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Lee, Charles B.
"Radial Undistortion And Calibration On An Image Array."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Sun, Qixiang
"Reliable Multicast for Publish/Subscribe Systems."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Taillandier, Franck
"Texture and Relief Estimation from Multiple Georeferenced Images."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Science Thesis,
DEA Algorithmique, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris 6&7, ENS-Cachan, and ENS-Ulm, 2000.
Yang, Jason C.
"A Light Field Camera For Image Based Rendering."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.
Agarwala, Aseem
"Volumetric Surface Sculpting."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Bala, Kavita
"Radiance Interpolants for Interactive Scene Editing and Ray Tracing."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Boyd, Aaron T.
"Educational Fusion: A Distributed Visual Environment for Teaching Algorithms."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Cutler, Barbara M.
"Aggregating Building Fragments Generated from Geo-Referenced Imagery into Urban Models."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Glazer, Brendon C.
"Interactive Ray Tracing of VRML Scenes in Java."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Click here to get more information on the applet used in this thesis.
Lebovitz, Marc A.
"A Prediction Model for Ray Tracing."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Lin, Steve S.
"A Distributed Interactive Ocean Visualization System."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
This paper is only available in hardcopy by emailing Bryt.
Mellor, John P.
"Automatically Recovering Geometry and Texture from Large Sets of Calibrated Images."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
User's Guide
(This thesis is also available (in uncompressed PostScript) for download via ftp as Technical Report 1674, published by the
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October 1999.)
Monks, Michael
(These are all in Postscript, compressed with gzip.)
"Audioptimization: Goal-Based Acoustic Design."
Color Plate 1,
Color Plate 2,
Color Plate 3,
Color Plate 4,
Color Plate 5,
Color Plate 6,
Color Plate 7,
Color Plate 8
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Rozenoer, Max & Shlyakhter, Ilya
(These are all in Postscript, compressed with gzip.)
"Reconstruction of 3D Tree Models from Instrumented Photographs."
Color Plate 1,
Color Plate 2,
Color Plate 3,
Color Plate 4,
Color Plate 5
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Stanley, Laughton M.
"Parallelization of the Mosaic Image Alignment Algorithm."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1999.
Amram, Eric Raphael.
"A Variational Technique for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Local Structure."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Chang, Lawrence W.
"Combining Multiple Reference Images in an Inverse Warper."
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Coorg, Satyan.
"Pose Imagery and Automated Three-Dimensional Modeling of Urban Environments."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Ph.D. Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
De Couto, Douglas S. J.
"Instrumentation for Rapidly Acquiring Pose-Imagery."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Harvey, John A.
"Blinking Cubes: A Method for Polygon-Based Scene Reconstruction"
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
This paper is only available in hardcopy by emailing Bryt.
Legakis, Justin.
"Modeling and Rendering Cellular Textures."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Science Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Levene, Jonathan.
"A Framework for Non-Realistic Projections."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Marcato, Robert W. Jr.
"Optimizing an Inverse Warper."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Porter, Brandon W.
"Educational Fusion: An Instructional, Web-based, Software Development Platform."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Rangaswamy, Sudeep.
"Interactive Editing Tools for Image-Based Rendering Systems."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Schenkel, Tara B.
"A Visualization of the MIT City Scanning Project."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Shalabi, Sami M.
"Analysis of Urban Morphology for Real Time Visualization of Urban Scenes."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Tornow, Nicholas J.
"A Distributed Environment for Developing, Teaching, and Learning Algorithmic Concepts."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
Boyd, Nathan D. T.
"A Platform for Instructional Algorithm Development."
(PDF | PostScript (compressed))
Master of Engineering Thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997.
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Technical Reports
Sara L. Su, Fredo Durand, and Maneesh Agrawala.
De-Emphasis of Distracting Image Regions Using Texture Power Maps.
Technical Report 987, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 2005.
Gang Zeng, Sylvain Paris, Long Quan, and François Sillion.
Accurate and Scalable Surface Representation and Reconstruction from Images.
Technical Report 2005-076, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 2005.
Peter Luka
Generalized Conservative Visibility Algorithms (PDF | PS)
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2003.
Eric Cohen
"Argus Visualization System."
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2002.
Paul Croston
"Ultimate Frisbee Coaching Simulator."
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2002.
Wojciech Matusik, Christopher Buehler, Leonard McMillan, and Steven Gortler.
Efficient View-Dependent Sampling of Visual Hulls
Technical Memo 624, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2002.
Wojciech Matusik, Christopher Buehler, Leonard McMillan, and Steven Gortler.
An Efficient Visual Hull Computation Algorithm
Technical Memo 623, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 2002.
Todd Drury
"Generating a Three-Dimensional Campus Model." PS (compressed) | PDF
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2001.
Bhuvana Kulkarni
"Educational Fusion: Tools for Teachers in the eduFuse System." PS (compressed) | PDF
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2000.
Daniel W. Rodriguez
"Project Time-Lapse."
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 2000.
John Alex and Seth Teller.
Immediate-Mode Ray-Casting
Technical Report 784, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1999.
Christopher Buehler, Wojciech Matusik, Steven Gortler, and Leonard McMillan.
Creating and Rendering Image-Based Visual Hulls
Technical Report 780, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1999.
Aaron Isaksen, Steven Gortler, and Leonard McMillan.
Dynamically Reparameterized Light Fields
Color Plates, Poster
Technical Report 778, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1999.
Kevin P. Kennedy
"Implementing a Production Quality User Interface With JFC." PS (compressed) | PDF
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1999.
Adam Kropp
"Visualization of a Large Set of High-Resolution Geo-referenced Images." PS (compressed) | PDF
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1999.
Qixiang Sun
"Parallelization of the Spherical Mosaic." PS (compressed) | PDF
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) Report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 1999.
Kavita Bala, Julie Dorsey, and Seth Teller.
Bounded-Error Interactive Ray Tracing.
Technical Report 748, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 1998.
An updated version of this TR has been accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics, 1999. Please refer to
our published papers page for the updated version and the associated color plates.
Michael Bosse
"Plane Clustering from Spherical Image Sequences." PS (compressed) | PDF
6.893 Final Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, December 1998.
Satyan Coorg and Seth Teller.
Automatic Extraction of Textured Vertical Facades from Pose Imagery
Technical Report 729, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1998.
Darrin B. Jewell
"The SimDisc Ultimate Frisbee Simulation."
Advanced Undergraduate Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1998.
Michael Monks, Byong Mok Oh, and Julie Dorsey.
Audioptimization: Goal Based Acoustic Design.
Color Plate 1,
Color Plate 2,
Color Plate 3,
Color Plate 4,
Color Plate 5,
Color Plate 6
Technical Report 588, Laboratory for Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1998.
Tara Schenkel and Seth Teller.
The MIT City Scanning Project (expository video)
Video, September 1998.
Seth Teller
A Conservative O(mnd)-Time Infeasibility Test for Linear Programs Posed Within a Convex Region
Manuscript, 1998.
Seth Teller and John Alex.
Frustrum Casting for Progressive, Interactive Rendering.
Technical Report 740, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1998.
Seth Teller, Eric Amram and Michael Werman.
Dense Matching by Conservative Search of Transformation Space
Manuscript, 1999.
Marek Teichmann and Seth Teller
Polygonal Approximation of Voronoi Diagrams of a Set of Triangles in Three Dimensions
Technical Report 766, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1997
Satyan Coorg and Seth Teller.
A Spatially and Temporally Coherent Object Space Visibility Algorithm
Technical Report 546, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February 1996.
J.P. Mellor, Seth Teller and Tomás Lozano-Pérez
Dense Depth Maps from Epipolar Images
Technical Memo 1593, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 1996.
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