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Computer Graphics Group
About Us

The Computer Graphics Group is a research group within MIT's Laboratory for
Computer Science. To learn more about the projects within our group, click on
the research page.

If you'd like to stop by and chat with our researchers, you can find a map of
campus at http://whereis.mit.edu (we're in building 32). You might want to
call or email ahead, to make sure that we're here to demo our projects and to
give you a tour of our lab.

Much of the work done in this research group is based upon work supported by
the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9802220.


Please contact Britton Bradley (bryt@graphics.csail.mit.edu, 617-253-6583) for any administrative questions.


All the images on the CGG site are 100% original. The 3D images on this page were rendered with love and care
using Alias Wavefront. Then Adobe Photoshop and a GIF animation program took care of the rest.  All graphics,
including animations, on this page are property of the MIT Computer Graphics Group (CSAIL).  Please do not use
them without permission.


Computer Graphics Group · Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory · Massachusetts Institute of Technology ·
32-D408 · 32 Vassar Street · Cambridge, MA 02139 · USA Tel 617.253.6583 · Fax 617.253.4640


We gladly welcome any questions or comments about our web site: email webmaster@graphics.csail.mit.edu

Copyright © 2003 Computer Graphics Group. All Rights Reserved.  

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