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Computer Graphics Group
About Us

Links on Video
Info on creating videos (see next section, too)

Tom Buehler, CGG's Video Specialist
The AI/LCS Video Facility
The MIT New Media Center
The Lurker's Guide to Video

Useful Internal Links
These may be restricted to CSAIL/CGG IP addresses, hence the Internal descriptor.

CGG FAQ by Eric Chan, 2002-2003
CGG Sys Admin Page
Copying the City Scanning Video to VHS tape
Generating MPEG files or VHS tapes
Graphics Tools
Local Computing Environment
Ordering Microsoft software

Graphics Group Wiki (CSAIL Certificate Required!)
Meeting Meeting Page


Computer Graphics Group · Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory · Massachusetts Institute of Technology ·
32-D408 · 32 Vassar Street · Cambridge, MA 02139 · USA Tel 617.253.6583 · Fax 617.253.4640


We gladly welcome any questions or comments about our web site: email webmaster@graphics.csail.mit.edu

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