J. Chen, N. Wadhwa, Y. Cha, F. Durand, W. Freeman, O. Buyukozturk, “Modal identification of simple structures with high-speed video using motion magnification". Journal of Sound and Vibration vol 345, pages 58-71, 2015
N. Wadhwa, T. Dekel, D. Wei, F. Durand, W. Freeman, “Deviation Magnification: Revelaing Geometric Deviation in a Single Image". ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH ASIA 2015)
A. Chael, M. Johnson, R. Narayan, S. Doeleman, J. Wardle, K. Bouman, “High Resolution Linear Polarimetric Imaging for the Event Horizon Telescope". The Astrophysics Journal (ApJ) 2016
D. Hauagge, S. Wehrwein, K. Bala, N. Snavely. Photometric Ambient Occlusion for Intrinsic Image Decomposition. Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 2015.
Bonneel, N., Rabin, J., Peyré, G., Pfister H., “Sliced and Radon Wasserstein Barycenters of Measures”. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2015
Mercer, J., Pandian, B., Lex, A., Bonneel, N., Pfister H., “Mu-8: Visualizing Differences between Proteins and their Families,” BMC Proceedings, 2014
Davis, M., Rubinstein, M., Wadhwa, N., Mysore G., Durand F., Freeman, W. T. (2014). “The Visual Microphone: Passive Recovery of Sound from Video”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2014)
Templin, K., Didyk P., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.-P., Hefeeda, M. M., Matusik, W., “Modeling and Optimizing Eye Vergence Response to Stereoscopic Cuts”, ACM Transactions on Graphics 33(4) (Proceedings SIGGRAPH 2014)
Templin, K., Didyk P., Myszkowski, K., Seidel, H.-P., Hefeeda, M. M., Matusik, W., “Modeling and Optimizing Eye Vergence Response to Stereoscopic Cuts”, ACM Transactions on Graphics 33(4) (Proceedings SIGGRAPH 2014)
Didyk, P., Sitthi-Amorn, P., Freeman, W. T, ,Durand F., Matusik W., “Joint View Expansion and Filtering for Automultiscopic 3D Displays”, ACM Transactions on Graphics 32(6) (Proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia 2013)
Austin Abrams and Robert Pless, Web-Accessible Geographic Integration and Calibration of Webcams, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, in press. 2013
Conference publications
S. Wehrwein, K. Bala, and N. Snavely. Shadow Detection and Sun Direction in Photo Collections. International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2015.
K. Matzen and N. Snavely. BubbLeNet: Foveated imaging for visual discovery. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2015.
K. Bouman, M. Johnson, D. Zoran, V. Fish, S. Doeleman, W. Freeman, “Computational Imaging for VLBI Image Reconstruction". IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, June 2016
T. Xue, H. Mobahi, F. Durand, W. T. Freeman, “The Aperture Problem for Refractive Motion”, IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015.
A. Abrams, I. Schillebeeckx, R. Pless. Structure from Shadow Motion. Proc. International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP) 2014.
K. Matzen, N. Snavely. Scene Chronology. Proc. European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2014.
D. Hauagge, S. Wehrwein, P. Upchurch, K. Bala, N. Snavely. Reasoning about Photo Collections using Models of Outdoor Illumination. British Machine Vision Conf. (BMVC), 2014.
J. O'Sullivan, A. Stylianou, R. Pless. Democratizing the Visualization of 500 million webcam images. Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 2014.
A. Stylianou, J. O'Sullivan, R. Pless. Images Don't Forget: Online Photogrammetry to Find Lost Graves. Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 2014.
Stylianou, A., Abrams, A. Pless, R. IEEE Winter Conference on Computer Vision, 2015.
S. Cao, N. Snavely. Minimal Scene Descriptions from Structure from Motion Models. IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015.
N. Bonneel, K. Sunkavalli, J. Tompkin, D. Sun, S. Paris, H. Pfister. Interactive Intrinsic Video Editing. ACM SIGGRAPH 2015.
Dekel, T., Durand, F., Freeman, W., Wadhwa, N., Wei, D. Deviation Magnification: Revealing Geometric Deviation in a Single Image. To appear in SIGGRAPH ASIA 2015.
Pickup, L. C., Pan, Z., Wei, D., Shih, Y., Zhang, C., Zisserman, A., Schölkopf, B. & Freeman, W. T. "Seeing the Arrow of Time", IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2014
Wadhwa, N., Rubinstein, M., Durand, F., Freeman, W. T. (2014), “Riesz pyramid for fast phase-based video magnification,” IEEE Computational Photography (ICCP) 2014
Matzen K., Snavely, N., “NYC3DCars: A Dataset of 3D Vehicles in Geographic Context,” IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2013
K. Bouman, B. Xiao, P. Battaglia, and W. Freeman, "Estimating the Material Properties of Fabric from Video", IEEE International Confrence on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2013
Austin Abrams, Christopher Hawley*, Robert Pless. Heliometric Stereo: Shape from Sun Position. IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2012.
Joshua Little*, Austin Abrams, Robert Pless. 2012. Tools for Richer Crowd Source Image Annotations. Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Breckenridge CO.
Austin Abrams, Jim Tucek, Joshua Little*, Nathan Jacobs, Robert Pless, LOST: Longterm Observation of Scenes (with Tracks), In Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2012.
Yunpeng Li, Noah Snavely, Dan Huttenlocher, Pascal Fua, World-wide Pose Estimation using 3D Point Clouds. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2012.
Bruno Levy, Nicolas Bonneel. Variational Anisotropic Surface Meshing with Voronoi Parallel Linear Enumeration. 21st International Meshing Roundtable (IMR), 2012.
YiChang Shih, Abe Davis, Sam Hasinoff, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman Laser Speckle Photography for Surface Tampering Detection IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2012
Tali Basha, Shai Avidan, Alexander Hornung, Wojciech Matusik, Structure and Motion from Scene Registration IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2012
Hao-Yu Wu, Michael Rubinstein, Eugene Shih, John Guttag, Fredo Durand, William T. Freeman Eulerian Video Magnification for Revealing Subtle Changes in the World ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 31, Number 4 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 2012
Michael Rubinstein, Ce Liu, William T. Freeman, Towards Longer Long-Range Motion Trajectories, British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2012.