MMBIA 2006: IEEE Computer Society Workshop on
Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis

June 17-18, 2006
New York City, NY, USA


Call for Papers

Important Dates


Final Program

Registration and Hotel

Invited Speakers



Previous Meetings

Call for papers

Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis (MMBIA) 2006 is the seventh in a series of workshops on biomedical image analysis held in conjunction with CVPR. This workshop is devoted to the presentation and discussion of new developments in computational techniques for the analysis of biomedical images. Our goal is to foster discussion of mathematical approaches to biomedical image analysis and modeling. The program will consist of previously unpublished, contributed, and invited papers, with a substantial time allocated to discussion. In addition, we encourage submissions that address novel problems in bio/medical imaging that call for mathematical modeling or analysis.

A list of possible themes, meant to be suggestive rather than exclusive:

  • Computational Anatomical Atlases
  • Curve/Surface/Volume Registration
  • Inter and Intra-modal Image Registration
  • Snakes, Splines and Deformable Models
  • PDE-based Methods of Image Analysis
  • Biomedical Image Motion Analysis
  • Multimodal Image Analysis
  • Multidimensional Segmentation
  • Surface and Volume Models of Anatomy
  • Multidimensional Data Visualization
  • Feature extraction and pattern recognition
  • Statistical Methods/Population-based analysis
  • Image Guided Surgery/Therapy
  • Biomedical Image Databases
  • Estimation of Quantitative Parameters
  • Functional/Molecular/Metabolic Image Analysis
  • Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis
  • Applications

The workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society.

In submitting a paper to MMBIA, authors acknowledge that no paper of substantially similar content has been or will be submitted to another conference or workshop during the MMBIA review period.
