June 17-18, 2006
New York City, NY, USA
Location, Registration and Hotel
News:June 12: MMBIA starts this week. We look forward seeing you all in NYC!Apr 14: The final program has been posted. Mar 30: The authors of the accepted papers must fill out the copyright form. Mar 6: Registration and hotel information has been posted on the CVPR website. Please note that the extra page fee on the registration form applies to the main conference submissions only. MMBIA page limit is 8 pages; with no extra pages allowed. Mar 1: Papers have been selected. Decision emails and reviews have been emailed to the authors. Workshop program will be posted soon. Jan 31: The submission is now closed. The papers have gone out to reviewers. Jan 16: The deadline for the paper submission has been postponed until Sunday, January 29. However, all authors must register their submission on the online submission system by January 23rd. The updated drafts of the papers can then be uploaded until January 29. Dec 23: We are happy to announce that selected papers from MMBIA 2006 will be invited to submit to the special issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (March 2007). Dec 21: MMBIA will be using an online submission system. Please submit the papers through the online system, rather than email them to the organizers. Dec 1: Please note that the length limit for papers submitted to MMBIA is eight pages. |