Our goal is to make everything about the update rule as local as we
can. We will now make this more concrete by expressing what it is that
should be minimized. In a discrete model, a site interacts with others
that are connected to it, and when it updates its state, its new state
is a function
of its own state and
that of these other sites. We introduce the notion of a ``box'' that
encapsulates everything that changes during an update, so that an
update event is truly independent from all other updates. A box
encompasses sites that update together, during the instant that they
update. It is defined by the requirement that a change in the state
of any site occurs completely within some box, and the update rule f
can depend solely on the states of the sites within the same box. Our
task thus becomes to make this box as small as possible.
(Fig. 2)
Space is considered to be a graph, with sites being nodes and the
possibility that two sites can interact being represented by an
edge. Each site s has a state Q(s) associated with it. For
simplicity, we will assume that there is a fixed set of
locally-connected clusters of sites, and that any box that occurs
encloses one of these clusters. A cluster S is a subset
{s1...sn} of all sites which has the property that for any
there is a path from si to sj that stays
completely in S. The clusters must, of course, overlap if the sites
are to interact with each other. A box is thus the event of a cluster
changing its state: Q(S) is replaced with f(Q(S)).
The dynamics can be viewed as an update rule f combined with a schedule of boxes. For simplicity, updates can be considered instantaneous, since boxes are all self-contained. However, there are many cases where it is undefined whether one box occurs before or after another. Therefore, this schedule only needs to be partially ordered. It is a preorder, a partial ordering that allows multiple distinct events to be simultaneous. Not all possible schedules are allowed, however. At least two conditions are necessary for two boxes to be independent of each other rather than be part of the same box:
We do allow the specification of statistical properties - for example that the average time between transactions is the same for all sites, or that the average number of neighbors has some variance. The idea is to constrain the geometry and time in the model to be ``spacelike'' or ``timelike'', while ensuring that the ordering of the boxes remains fundamentally nondeterministic and allowing the geometry to be irregular, so that synchronization and detailed knowledge of the geometry are not relied on.
An update potentially makes use of the state of every site in a cluster, and these depend on previous updates that involved those sites. Each site can be a member of several clusters, so for any set of clusters that overlap, the boxes that enclose them must be fully ordered in the schedule; they cannot be simultaneous.
We could imagine a site ``remembering'' the states of its neighbors by incorporating them into its own state. These states could then be used later without being enclosed by a box. However, as the schedule is nondeterministic, between the time a neighbor's state is remembered and the time it is used, that neighbor may have undergone other updates and changed its state. The remembered state would be out of date. Remembering states is therefore unreliable.
Note that models with global synchrony require that all sites have updated once before any one site updates again, and f is a function of the states from the previous time step, before any of the updates of the current time step have happened. So in synchronous models, the update rule itself may be local in space, but by this more stringent requirement that also takes time into account, the box is infinite in size to encompass all the sites during an update.