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Ethernet cards and OS/2

The short version:
	Can anyone recommend a PCMCIA Ethernet card for use under OS/2 
and Linux, dual media (10baseT and 10base2), that won't cause my TP755cx to 
crash whenever it tries to suspend/hibernate?  3Com 3C 589C seems to offer 
what I want - anyone with any experiences?

The fuller version:
	Some time ago I asked for help from the list re my TP755cx crashing 
whenever it tried to suspend/hibernate with my ICCard ethernet card (D-Link 
DE650-CT clone) installed, under OS/2.  A number of people were helpful and I 
traced it to one of the drivers.  As a result I now have config.a and config.b for "in 
the Lab" (Ethernet activated, mains powered, don't try and hibernate!) and "on the 
road" (Ethernet driver rem'ed out, hibernation fine).  This works fine (the card 
doesn't even need to be removed), though it is a bit cumbersome, means that I 
have to disable any kind of potential "accidental" suspension, such as closing the 
lid, etc, have to keep rebooting, and still have the occasional accident which 
results in the machine crashing.

	A colleague of mine (TP365x) running Win95 has tried my card, which 
works fine for him, allowing full hibernation functions.  Since he was going to buy 
one anyway he has offered to get me one that works a bit better with OS/2.

	Does anyone have any suggestions for a card that will still allow me to 
suspend/hibernate without crashing the system, and without needing dual configs 
and reboots?  I would really like dual media (10baseT and 10base2), and 
compatibility with Linux (Slackware), probably via David Hinds' PCMCIA drivers, 
though this isn't set up yet.

	3Com 3C 589C -Combo seems to be hopeful - anyone have any good/bad 
reports?  Alternatively do IBM do a dual media credit card Ethernet adapter?

	Many thanks for any advice.


Dr G P Hogan
Laser Group,  Clarendon Lab.,	Tel:  +44 1865 272205
Parks Road,  Oxford  OX1 3PU	Fax:  +44 1865 272400
UK				Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk