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US Robotics Worldport 28.8 modem and a TP760ED with Win95

I am trying to use a US Robotics Worldport Dual standard pcmcia modem on a
thinkpad 760ED runnung windows 95. The problem I have is that the machine
hangs when I insert the card and choose a driver (Any driver will hang the
machine). The machine hangs when it is trying to enable the pcmcia card.
The mouse freezes and the only solution is to switch of the system.

Have anyone been sucsessfull in using this modem with the 760ED under

If I try to use the modem under linux it works great so I dont think its
hardware related.

Ivar Hosteng
email: ivarh@ihosteng.priv.no
finger ivarh@ihosteng.priv.no for my PGP key