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Re: Flash Upgrade for PPI 28.8 modem

At 03:01 PM 10/13/96 GMT, epbrown wrote:
>	I've got the Practical Perpipherals ProClass 28.8 EZ-Port, and it's
>supposed to be upgradeable to 33.6 with a Flash-ROM from PPI.  Well, I'm

        How long have you had it, Evan?

        If recently acquired, my advice (based on personal experience) is
see if you can return it as soon as possible and get something made by
someone else.  My PPI modem(s) (I had many, thanks to warranties) had a
*lot* of trouble with the EZ-Port--would stay "clicked" in--and this was 3
different modems.

        Then there was the nightmare of having those jerks keep charging me
for the replacement modems even after I had sent the "old" one in...

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle
  "If you've been in the game for 30 minutes and still don't know who
is the patsy...*YOU* are the patsy."      - Warren Buffet