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Re: Flash Upgrade for PPI 28.8 modem

On Oct 13,  3:01pm, epbrown wrote:
> Subject: Flash Upgrade for PPI 28.8 modem
> 	I've got the Practical Perpipherals ProClass 28.8 EZ-Port, and 
> supposed to be upgradeable to 33.6 with a Flash-ROM from PPI.  Well, 
> wondering if anyone has done this successfully?  I've tried about a 
> times and the thing hangs my system in DOS, or I have to kill the task
> under Win95.  It hangs while searching for the com port, usually.  If 
> input the com port and irq, it just hangs after starting.  I've waited 
> couple of minutes for the thing with no messages.  Has anyone heard if 
> thing doesn't work?  
> 	epbrown
> epbrown@enteract.com
> Laptop Central
> http://www.enteract.com/~epbrown
>-- End of excerpt from epbrown

I used to have one of those modems about 3 months ago and did upgraded 
the flash rom successfully a couple of times. I actually upgraded it in 
regular DOS with all neccessary PC card drivers loaded and used the PPI 
modem enabler to assign a com port before the upgrade.

I now have 2 Hayes Optima v.34 PC Cards and they both been upgraded 
successfully to 33.6 last week using a similar method with Hayes modem 
enabler. Since Hayes owned PPI, they both use similar firmware and 
software for their modems. Everytime there's something new for the 
Hayes, it'll be available for the PPI as well or vice versa.

These are DOS programs so I don't think they'll be happy with Win95. The 
Cardinal upgrade program is Windows based and it worked in Win95 which 
made my life a little bit easier.

John Pham


	| John Pham                Phone: (800) 422-7044       | 
	| Lantronix Systems Engr.         (714) 453-7107       | 
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