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Re: Com port problems on ThinkPads with Windows95

From: Mikael.Bendtsen@eu.pnu.com (Mikael Bendtsen)
>      What happens is that sometimes when they reboot, the COM ports change. 
>      Mwave goes from for example COM2 to COM5 and the Nokia PC Card from 
>      COM1 to COM3. They find this quite annoying since they have paid a few 
>      dollars for their new toys.
>      Question: Is this solved with Initialize in Easy Setup? If not, how?

Maybe, but I doubt it. This seems to be the interaction of Plug-n-Play, Win95,
and the Thinkpad BIOS. Remember that you have a lot of com ports on these
devices: Serial port, Mwave, IRDa, extra serial on dock (if you have one),
Nokia, etc. FWIW, when I used a Nokia card in Germany, it didn't exhibit this
characteristic (but, I do have a 755CX, not a 760).

What devices show up errored when the stuff moves to the other com port? BTW,
something that's written correctly for Win95 doesn't actually care about the
Com port, only the modem (since the kernel handles the mapping).

>      I've also heard that I don't need ThinkPad Features in Windows95 since 
>      everything can be enabled/disabled from the Device Manager. So far I 
>      haven't heard a good reason to install it.

Can you set IRQs and stuff in Device Manager for a 760? I doubt it! I'd rather
set that stuff in the BIOS, anyway.