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Dial-Up Networking for TP701CS


I'm trying to use Win95's Dial-Up Networking tool to connect my
TP701CS to an internet service provider (a2i).  The IBM internal modem
dials the ISP, verifies the user name and password, but fails after
printing the following message:

Dial-up Networking could not negotiate a compatible set of network
protocols you specified in the Server Type settings.  Check your
network configuration in the Control Panel then try the connection

I get exactly the same message on a 3Com modem, so it doesn't seem
like an IBM modem problem.

My "Server Type" setting for the dial-up connection is as follows:
Type of Server: PPP
Advanced options: Log on to network, Enable SW compression
Allowed network protocols: TCP/IP
TCP/IP Setting: (Specify an IP address, Server assigned name server
addresses, use IP header compression, use default gateway)
My "Network" setting in "Control Panel" looks as follows:
o Client for MS Networks
o 3Com EtherLink III LAN+Modem (bound to TCP/IP)
o Dial-up Adapter (bound to TCP/IP, IPX header compression on)
o TCP/IP => 3COM Etherlink III (static IP address is specified)
o TCP/IP => Dial-up Adapter (same static IP address is specified)

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Cho Moon
| Cho W. Moon                                                                |
| Lattice Semiconductor,  1820 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7425       |
| (408) 428-6400x250 (voice) (408) 944-8444 (fax) cmoon@lattice.com (e-mail) |