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Re: AC Power Connection for TP755CD

Daniel Smith wrote:
> Subject: AC Power Connection for TP755CD
> Hi, I have a 755CD which is about 6 months old.  The connection for the AC
> adapter is becoming flaky.  I can't always get a good connection when I
> plug it in to the back of the 755CD, I usually have to wiggle the plug on
> the back of the thinkpad.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Can IBM fix
> it?  Also if I have to send my tp in, should I remove things like the hard
> drive, extra memory, etc?

I had a problem like this.  Turns out it was the AC adapter brick.  I
sent my unit in sans floppy, hard disk, extra memory, etc.  After
regular testing, they installed a new BIOS and replaced the keyboard to
boot.  Excellent, fast service.  But the delivery people they used were
painfully slow.

Eugene Fiume.