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How to rebuild stripped system (755cx)?

I know this question has been asked before, but I've never really
seen an answer.

If I were to wipe the entire system, how would I go about restoring
all the ThinkPad stuff? At the moment, I'd like to wipe everything,
then just restore Win3.1, then run the upgrade to Win95. I've got
a 540 meg drive, and only about 100megs free, and I can't dig out
what other stuff I can delete.

Which disks on IBM's ftp site are for the 755cx? The listing is
very unclear. I can guess some of them, but not all of them.

How do I determine which BIOS I have? I see there's a new 1.40
disk, but when I go into easy setup, I get two different numbers.
Did IBM average them to get the single number they use on their
disk numbering?

Also, has anyone gotten hold of that MWave for Win95 yet? If so,
could someone send me that disk? IBM still hasn't put it on their
ftp site.