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"BlackMatrix" Screens outdoors

	I am happy to report to the list that although it is not particularly
super outdoors, the so-called "BlackMatrix" screens are an *immense*
improvement over the screen in my 750C, as far as outdoor viewing goes.

	In a direct comparison, both in direct sunlight and shaded outdoor
light, the 750C was impossible to even *see* while the 701C was surprisingly
readable.  I'm quite satisfied.  Now maybe I can actually go outside once
in a while with this thing.  ;-)

-----                                          ____________________________
Randy Whittle    whittle@usc.edu               |       WWW Hope Page:     |
USC Graduate School of Business (Fight on 'SC!)|          http://         |
 "Did you really think you could call up the   | www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle/|
     Devil and ask him to behave?"             ----------------------------
       -Fox Mulder on T.V.'s "X-Files" speaking to an occult practitioner