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701C: NiCd vs. NiMH batteries

I don't know if anyone will be able to respond to this before I head off to 
Europe in 2 hours (I leave the office in 2 hours), but I'll try anyway:

I just bought a NiMH battery for my 701C.  The unit originally came with a 
NiCd battery.  The NiCd battery life was about 2 hours.  I'd heard that the 
NiMH was significantly longer lasting (from 3 to 4 hours).  Two questions:

1) when I inserted the new battery the battery status came up as 0% and 
0:00 time but it had a smiley face, yet I was able to use the battery for a 
good hour with no problem (although the status never changed).  Is this 

2) I swapped batteries in and out for a while and finally was able to get a 
reading on the status on the NiMH battery, but it only read 2:25 at 100%.  
When I put the NiCd in it read 16% 0:20 which seem way below what it should 
have read given that the battery was freshly charged and very little used 
if any.  Is that normal?

So basically do these readings occur because I'm swapping batteries and the 
Thinkpad is confused or do I have a problem on my hands?

As I said, if anyone has any ideas I'd *really* appreciate a response asap.



Daniel A. Kirkdorffer          | "Though the course may change sometimes 
Email: e#kirkd@ccmail.ceco.com | rivers always reach the sea." R. Plant
DanKirkd@aol.com        +-----------------------------------------
WWW: http://users.aol.com/dankirkd/danhome.html