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TP 701 Power Supplies - International Use (fwd)

Steve Rodrigues wrote:
> Also, does anyone else have and use the "worldwide AC adapter" for the 701?
> All the IBM literature says it is part number 85G6680 - but the physical 
> thing that IBM gave me says "P/N 85G6670" - more terrifyingly, it has an 
> output about 0.3A higher than what the 701 has.
> Anyone else seen this adapter and successfully use it?

IBM PC Direct swore up and down that this part was in fact the right one,
and that the parts guys just liked to play with numbers (my words, 
not IBM's :). I plugged it in, and the machine didn't smoke - it actually
charged quite nicely.

FYI, if anyone else out there worries about frying their ThinkPad.


Steve Rodrigues            | Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and 
Expatriate Texan           | sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty
UC Berkeley, Dept. of EECS | diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they
steverod@cs.berkeley.edu   | are gone forever. -- Horace Mann