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Re: Thinkpad 701c/cs DSP?

> The display--256 colors or 64,000?  (You wrote "256K" but I
> think that might be a mistake--please clarify).
  John Kim is right about the engineer who posted.  I replied to
  him and asked him a bunch of questions after the post :-)
  The display is not an IBM display..I think it is a Sharp one.  He
  said it could display 278000 colors (hardware) if I remember right in 16M
  color mode (on the video driver).  The 64K color for current
  75x and 76x systems is a limitation of the panel on the thinkpads.
  I actually think it's a combined limitation of the drivers on the video
  chip and the video display but can't confirm unless I get the
  design specs on the video chip and panels.

> Also, can this thing actually be used outside?  (i.e., is
> the screen viewable outdoors?  My 750C is *terrible* for outdoor
> viewing...).
  The "black matrix" ones are supposed to be usable outside.  This
  includes the 755CE/CD series and the 760.  This is supposed to
  be one of the enhancements in the newer IBM displays.  Not sure
  about the butterfly.

>  Battery life (realistic) is...?  Can you change to a new
> battery on the fly like on the 750's?
  No idea on this unfortunately.  The lack of expandability (no
  Mwave and no expansion slot) killed my thoughts on buying
  one.  The weight and size are excellent though...
