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Re: Thinkpad 701c/cs DSP?

Randy Whittle wrote:
>         Ahhh, and owner!  Steve, did you ever try to use this thing
> outdoors in outdoor ambient light?  Could you see the screen worth a darn?
> My 750C is absolutely worthless outside, and that's something I'd like to
> use a notebook machine for.

Well, I tried it while relaxing in a sunbeam.... it's pretty bad. The
colors wash out pretty easily.

> >> >       And I don't suppose you know about the battery life issue, do you?

>         Have you actually *timed* it though?  My current 750C batt. guage
> used to claim 3:30 everytime, but I never got any more than 2:30 (even less
> now that the battery is a bit used up--but that guage still starts off at
> 3:30...)

Nope, haven't had much of a chance to time it yet.

I remember PC Mag's drain test gave the NiCd 1:41, with continuous usage. I
haven't tried it yet.

> >The AC adapter is a two-prong, handles 120-240V. 
>         How big/heavy is it?

The shipped US adapter is about the size of a large pack of cigarettes.
Can't give you a definitive weight, but it doesn't seem very heavy.

Again, PC Mag's "travel weight" is 5.1 lbs. (That includes the MultiPort
and AC adapter, i assume....)

You had asked about connectors. It has:
(a) a docking station connector
(b) a modem jack
(c) an infrared port
(d) audio-out (headphones)
(e) audio-in
(f) a port which you can either use as a parallel port or the disk drive
port (must use a special cable for either).

That's it. The MultiPort II (included) has a VGA, serial, and parallel
port, along with mouse and keyboard ports.


Steve Rodrigues            | Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and 
Expatriate Texan           | sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty
UC Berkeley, Dept. of EECS | diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they
steverod@cs.berkeley.edu   | are gone forever. -- Horace Mann