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Re: Thinkpad 701c/cs DSP?

At 11:38 PM 11/2/95, Steve Rodrigues wrote:

>On the LCD, no. It's still 640x480.
>(It's amazing how cramped that feels now....)

        Ahhh, and owner!  Steve, did you ever try to use this thing
outdoors in outdoor ambient light?  Could you see the screen worth a darn?
My 750C is absolutely worthless outside, and that's something I'd like to
use a notebook machine for.

>> >       And I don't suppose you know about the battery life issue, do you?
>> No.  I'm considering a 701 and the battery life is my chief concern.
>> I've heard 1h45m on comp.sys.laptops.  That's a pretty big drop from
>> the 3.5-5 hours I get on my 750 mono.
>Was this the NiCd or NiMH battery? I got a NiMH with mine (I got the top
>of the line DX4/75,8M720M,TFT) and bought a second battery, also NiMH.
>The battery gauge (which is quite cool-looking :) claims that a full charge is
>good for 3:28 or so. Floppy usage kills it, unsurprisingly.

        Have you actually *timed* it though?  My current 750C batt. guage
used to claim 3:30 everytime, but I never got any more than 2:30 (even less
now that the battery is a bit used up--but that guage still starts off at

        I'd like to know what the *realistic* time is under normal use
(though with all the battery-save features turned on).  That doesn't have
to include floppy usage either.  Can you give me your experience?

>The AC adapter is a two-prong, handles 120-240V. You can also get a "worldwide"

        How big/heavy is it?

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