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Re: Thinkpad 701c/cs DSP?

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Randal Whittle wrote:
> Kenneth Yee wrote:
> >   Not quite net rumor...this was from one of the design engineers
> >   I bumped into on comp.sys.laptops.  The display for the 701 can
> >   also have 256K colors as opposed to the 64K colors in the rest
> >   of the thinkpad line.
> 	Sounds like you know something about the 701's.  May I ask a
> few questions?

I think he's referring to Doug Haigh.  Doug works at IBM's U.S.
Thinkpad development, first on the 350, then on the 701.  He posted
the original announcement for the 701 on comp.sys.laptops.  I can
mail you his email address.  I'm a little reluctant to send it to
the entire mailing list.

> 	The display--256 colors or 64,000?  (You wrote "256K" but I
> think that might be a mistake--please clarify).

The video on the 701 is capable of 24bit color.  The video on the
75x machines can only do 8-bit or 16-bit.  I'm not sure if the 256k
(it is 256k, not 256) vs. 64k is a video thing or an active matrix 
thing.  Whichever it is, a 755 with the 701's screen could only show
64k colors because of its video.  Anyone know about the 760?

John H. Kim        "A common mistake that people make when trying to design
jokim@mit.edu       something completely foolproof is to underestimate the
jokim@tuna.mit.edu  ingenuity of complete fools." -- Douglas Adams