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Re: Linux on a 755CX

>Has anyone gotten Linux to run on the 755CX yet? I've tried all the
>tips from the Linux/Thinkpad Web site at peipa.essex.ac.uk (specifying
>the hard drive geometry, floppy=thinkpad, etc.) There was also nothing
>in the archives of this mailing list.
>The boot disk comes up just fine. I'm prompted to insert the root
>disk - once I do I get the following error:
> [...]

I just tried booting Linux on an 8/540 SVGA 755CX
and it worked OK, i.e. got as far as mounting the
root disk and getting the slackware login prompt.

I used the following: 1. bare boot disk and
uncompressed color.gz, written to floppy using
rawrite, from wcarchive's Slackware 3.0 distribution;
2. no boot parameters entered, just hit return
at the Boot: prompt.

If it matters, there was a small DOS partition
on the hard disk and the device probe on boot
reported a mapped geometry (523/32/63). A recent
FreeBSD 2.1.0 SNAP installed and ran OK on this
notebook with no special preparations or actions

Mark Ng