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Re: xfree86 on 755cx

> Right now, I am using the pre-loaded Os2/warp software to run
> slip. It is so incredibly slow! This seems to be half as fast
> as my sparc 1 running at 9600 baud. (I am usin the uwave modem
> on the thinkpad at 14.4k and ping reports average travel time
> of nearly 500ms to my slip server!) Have others had similar 
> experiences with os/2 slip?

You need the version 2 MWave software, which will knock 300+ ms
of the round trip times.  It's a really noticable improvement..
Available from ftp.pcco.ibm.com in pub/mobiles as mw-something
(don't know for OS2 bit it should be obvious or get pub/allfiles.txt
and look it up).

Billy Y..