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Re: Display on CD, CE, CX

>At 10:43 PM 8/23/95, John H. Kim wrote:
>>Also, has anyone been able to compare the Apple Powerbook TFTs with the
>        I can't say definitively (I've never compared head-up), but it
>seems to me that the Powerbook TFT's are considerably brighter.  In my
>experience, the IBM screen is big--but not very bright (even with full
>non-powersaving mode).  I've even had people mistake my TFT for a
>dual-scan...  :(

I own a 755C and a PowerBook 540C. While the PB screen is smaller (9.5 vs.
10.4), it *is* considerably brighter. I owned the 755C before the 540C, and
I thought the screen was pretty bright, until I started working with the
540C. The brightness is definitely noticable. Clarity wise, both are
640x480, but the PB540 screen is 640x480x256 *or* 640x400*65,535. Whereas
on the 755CE above, um, we know which one supports higher resolution to
sport those same amount of colors. :)

    ........Hapless victim of Information Overload Syndrome (IOS).......
* Mark Bell * 800 College Drive #104 * Vineland, NJ 08360 * 1-609-327-4029 *