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Re: 755cx - Mailorder YES, IBM-Direct NO (Long)

Sounds to me like you need some assertiveness training. You should have 
asked to speak to a supervisor. CDW has a 30 day money back guarantee, so 
they should have honored their brochure with no problem. I have had very 
good experiences with them. (I also live near their store.) When I bought 
my 16Meg memory card for my ThinkPad, I negotiated a better price than 
they originally offered, by mentioning that I had heard that its price 
was X (about $100 less than they started at). On another occasion, I had 
to return a tape backup unit, as it had no available OS/2 software. No 
problem, unless you count it taking 2 weeks longer to process the credit 
on my VISA than the charge took. On yet another occasion, the floor 
manager let me run an experiment on their TP750Cs. Just good experiences 
here! Ron.