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Re: NT3.5: Beware video compatibility!

> I also hear on Microsoft's Compuserv NT forum, that they are supplying NO
> PCMCIA drivers with NT. They are relying on PCMCIA manufacturers to supply
> them. I assume this is true for Win95/Chicago too, although any that
> manufacturers provide which use the Win32 API should work with both Chicago
> and NT.

Actually, there is an article in last month's Computer Shopper about how
Microsoft is agressively persuing native PCMCIA support as part of their
Plug n' Play concept.

I also saw a picture in (Byte?) of the PCMCIA support in Chicago -- it looked
like a snazzy version of EZ-Play.

| Robert George            |  Army Research Laboratory              |
| robertg@assb01.arl.mil   |  AMSRL-SS-IC                           |
| Voice: (408) 656-3316    |  2800 Powder Mill Road                 |
| Fax:   (408) 656-2814    |  Adelphi, MD 20783-1197                |  

A designer knows when he has achieved perfection not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
        -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery