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Please DON'T Send Floppies to the List!

I'm honestly sorry for anyone who doesn't have access to a modem,
or one capable of holding up a connection long enough to receive
a few megabytes.

That said, *please* don't anyone send megabytes worth of ThinkPad
floppies to the mailing list. While some of us have problems with
not having modems to call CompuServe or the IBM BBS, others have
the opposite problem. I, for one, have two perfectly fine modems.
I pick up the new versions of the ThinkPad software within about
a week (sometimes a day) of its availability. On the other hand,
I read this mailing list on my PC at home. Everything that comes
to me comes in via my modem and phone line and my nickel. I would
not appreciate having my modem and phone line tied up for an extra
hunk of time to send stuff that I either already had or didn't need.
(An example of the latter is the last couple of BIOSes. The updates
were not to the 750 BIOS.)

The "readme" style information that comes with each floppy is something
else. That's useful information that can tell people that there is
something available and whether they should bother trying to find it.

Please don't interpret any of this as being opposed to having the
stuff on an FTP site. I think that that would be extra swell, and
would cut down on my long distance or CompuServe bill.

Thanks! Ron.

P.S. Decent V.32bis modems really aren't all that expensive any more.
Internal modem cards are downright cheap!