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Re: HHmmm..PCMCIA modems and faxing...

Randal Whittle <whittle@chaph.usc.edu> writes:
>         What may be problematic more than anything is Winfax.  I use version
> 3.0 (I don't have 4.0), and I know of no way to receive a fax "on the fly"--
> as far as I know, you have to let it pick up a call when it rings.  I don't
> think its a function of the modem in any way, but rather a function of the
> software.  What software will provide for what you want?  I don't know--
> its not a big deal for me and I like Winfax, so I stick with it.

Quick note:  Winfax 3.0 can do what you want.  I don't have it
installed right now, so I can't give exact instructions, but under the
'Receive' menu (I think) is a 'manual receive' option.  This does an
'on-the-fly' fax receive.

I'm sending this to the list so 

1) anyone else who's interested gets the information
2) people don't get incorrect impressions about winfax.

- Andrew