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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet Power Hog!

> FYI, I just talked to my colleague and indeed, he reboots the machine without 
> loading the network application software into the memory. Apparently, the 
> card isn't active although it remains plugged. Sorry for the misleading info.

Turns out that if the card is not enabled (ready), power is not applied
to the socket. I returned the 3com card and purchased an IBM card. In
general it works fire, but there are still compatibility problems with
other software.

Using the most current version of the Thinkpad utils (v1.3), the machine
hangs most of the time upon boot when the card is installed. Version
1.21 of the util disk PCMCIA drivers function correctly.

When ever the card is installed and recognized by V1.21 and V1.3 PCMCIA
card/socket services, stacker 4.0 can't deal with the situation. Mostly
dos can't find a command.com.  I pulled stacker off of the system.

A side note that uncompressing a drive with stacker 4 left some files

All of my problems occur without any network software loaded and in fact
without the card enabled. Just recognized by the PCMCIA drivers. Time to
complain to IBM, again.
Scott A. Stratmoen | strat@ast.dsd.northrop.com
                   | (708) 259-9600 (ex 24762)