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Hibernation Problems

Hi, I'm running DOS 6.3 (IBM DOS) & the latest firmware upgrade.  My TP 
hangs, reboots, or locks up the _keyboard_ (not the mouse & caps key) after 
resuming from hibernation.  In Windows, for some reason, the hibernation 
command (from fuel) places the machine in suspend mode.  The Fn-F12 
combination is not recognized in Windows.  I did not use to have problems 
with hibernation.  Now, however, it doesn't seem to work anymore.  Ideas 

I have a PCMCIA IBM ethernet card installed too, but hibernation was working 
earlier when it was installed...


-- Derek
Derek V. Chan                 | Harvard University    | chan4@husc.harvard.edu
Biochemistry & Molecular Bio. | Senior - Class of '94 | =======================
===================== Yale WHO?  Don't they make locks? =======================
 "You wouldn't be here if you already knew everything. . ." - Organic Chem. TF