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Re: PCMCIA Ethernet Power Hog!

>I installed a 3com 3c589 PCMCIA last weekend in a 750.  I would appear
>that there is no way to put the card in standby. (Though I suspect that
>the machine can choose not to power up the socket). My requirement is to
>leave the card in the machine when traveling, but not have powered up.
>- Does anyone know if when the driver is not loaded, does the card draw
>  minimal power (read much less than 100ma)? 
>- What about other PCMCIA 802.3 card (i.e. IBM's)?  Any experience?

My collegue uses an IBM ethernet card adaptor and leaves it in the TP750s 
case while travelling. I think the card itself is not a power hog unless the 
cable is connected to the card. He don't reboot while disconnecting the 
cable so I think the crd and its drivers are active all the time. Still, he 
gets 6h battery life.
(mono, 4M)

hope this helps
Antti Kilpinen, Ph.D (Chem.Eng.)
Research Fellow
Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research
Abo Akademi University, DataCity
FIN-20520 Turku