Homogeneous Coordinates

Notice, how we have snuck up on the idea of Homogeneous Coordinates, based on simple logical arguments. Keep the following in mind: coordinates are not geometric, they are just scales for basis elements. Thus, you should not be bothered by the fact that our coordinates suddenly have 4 numbers. We could have had more (no one said we have to have a linearly independent basis set).

Note how this approach to coordinates is completely consistent with our intuitions. Subtracting two points yields a vector. Adding a vector to a point produces a point. If you multiply a vector by a scalar you still get a vector. And, in most cases, when you scale points you'll get some nonsense 4th coordinate element that reminds you that the thing you're left with is no longer a point.

Isn't it strange how seemingly bizarre things make sense sometimes?
Lecture 9   Slide 12   6.837 Fall '00