Affine Combinations

There are even certain situations where it does make sense to scale and add points.

If you add scaled points together carefully, you can end up with a valid point. Suppose you have two points, one scaled by a1 and the other scaled by a 2. If we restrict the sum of these alphas, a1 +  a2 =1, we can assure that the result will have 1 as its 4th coordinate value.

This combination defines all points that share the line connecting our two initial points. This idea can be simply extended to 3, 4, or any number of points. This type of constrained-scaled addition is called affine combination (hence, the name of our space). In fact, one could define an entire space in terms of the affine combinations of elements by using the ai's as coordinates, but that is a topic for another day.
Lecture 9   Slide 13   6.837 Fall '00