Low level feature extraction
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Low-level Visual Features

Kismet's low-level visual perception system extracts a number of features that human infants seem to be particularly responsive toward. These low-level features were selected for their ability to help Kismet distinguish social stimuli (i.e. people, that is based on skin tone, eye detection, and motion) from non-social stimuli (i.e. toys, that is based on saturated color and motion), and to interact with these stimuli in interesting ways (often modulated by the distance of the target stimulus to the robot). There are a few perceptual abilities that serve self-protection responses. These include detecting looming stimuli as well as potentially dangerous stimuli (characterized by excessive motion close to the robot). Kismet's low-level visual features are as follows:

  • Highly saturated color: red, blue, green, yellow.
  • Colors representative of skin tone.
  • Motion detection.
  • Eye detection.
  • Distance to target.
  • Looming.
  • Threatening, very close, excessive motion.

Watch clip: Kismet's attention system 
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One of the most basic and widely recognized visual features is color. Our models of color saliency are drawn from the complementary work on visual search and attention from (itti-saliency). The incoming video stream contains three 8-bit color channels (r, g, and b) which are transformed into four color-opponency channels (r', g', b', and y'). Each input color channel is first normalized by the luminance l (a weighted average of the three input color channels). These normalized color channels are then used to produce four opponent-color channels. The result is a 2-D map where pixels containing a bright, saturated color component (red, green, blue, and yellow) increases the intensity value of that pixel. We have found the robot to be particularly sensitive to bright red, green, yellow, blue, and even orange.

Motion Saliency Map

In parallel with the color saliency computations, another processor receives input images from the frame grabber and computes temporal differences to detect motion. Motion detection is performed on the wide field of view, which is often at rest since it does not move with the eyes. This raw motion map is then smoothed. The result is a binary 2-D map where regions corresponding to motion have a high intensity value.

Skin tone map

The skin tone filter responds to 4.7% of possible (R,G,B) values. Each grid element in the figure to the left shows the response of the filter to all values of red and green for a fixed value of blue. Within a cell, the x-axis corresponds to red and the y-axis corresponds to green. The image to the right shows the filter in operation. Typical indoor objects that may also be consistent with skin tone include wooden doors, cream walls, etc.
Colors consistent with skin are also filtered for. This is a computationally inexpensive means to rule out regions which are unlikely to contain faces or hands. A large fraction of pixels on faces will pass these tests over a wide range of lighting conditions and skin color. Pixels that pass these tests are weighted according to a function learned from instances of skin tone from images taken by Kismet's cameras.

Eye Detection

Developed by Aaron Edsinger (edsinger@ai.mit.edu).

Caption: Performance of eye detection. Sequence of foveal images with eye detection. The eye detector actually looks for the region between the eyes. It has decent performance over a limited range of distances and face orientations. The box indicates a possible face has been detected (being both skin toned and oval in shape). The small cross locates the region between the eyes.
Eye-detection in a real-time robotic domain is computationally expensive and prone to error due to the large variance in head posture, lighting conditions and feature scales. Our methodology assumes that the lighting conditions allow the eyes to be distinguished as dark regions surrounded by highlights of the temples and the bridge of the nose, that human eyes are largely surrounded by regions of skin color, that the head is only moderately rotated, that the eyes are reasonably horizontal, and that people are within interaction distance from the robot (3 to 7 feet).


Caption: Distance metric.
Given a target in the visual field, proximity is computed from a stereo match between the two wide cameras. The target in the central wide camera is located within the lower wide camera by searching along epipolar lines for a sufficiently similar patch of pixels, where similarity is measured using normalized cross-correlation. This matching process is repeated for a collection of points around the target to confirm that the correspondences have the right topology. This allows many spurious matches to be rejected.

Loom Detection

The loom calculation makes use of the two cameras with wide fields of view. These cameras are parallel to each other, so when there is nothing in view that is close to the cameras (relative to the distance between them), their output tends to be very similar. A close object, on the other hand, projects very differently on to the two cameras, leading to a large difference between the two views.

By simply summing the pixel-by-pixel differences between the images from the two cameras, we extract a measure which becomes large in the presence of a close object. Since Kismet's wide cameras are quite far from each other, much of the room and furniture is close enough to introduce a component into the measure which will change as Kismet looks around. To compensate for this, the measure is subject to rapid habituation. This has the side-effect that a slowly approaching object will not be detected - which is perfectly acceptable for a loom response.

Threat Detection

A nearby object (as computed above) along with large but concentrated movement in the wide fov is treated as a threat by Kismet. The amount of motion corresponds to the amount of activation of the motion map. Since the motion map may also become very active during ego-motion, this response is disabled for the brief intervals during which Kismet's head is in motion. As an additional filtering stage, the ratio of activation in the peripheral part of the image versus the central part is computed to help reduce the number of spurious threat responses due to ego-motion. This filter thus looks for concentrated activation in a localized region of the motion map, whereas self induced motion causes activation to smear evenly over

Low Level Auditory Features

Kismet's low-level auditory perception system extracts a number of features that are also useful for distinguishing people from other sound emitting objects such as rattles, bells, and so forth. The software runs in real-time and was developed at MIT by the Spoken Language Systems Group (www.sls.lcs.mit.edu/sls). Jim Glass and Lee Hetherington were tremendously helpful in tailoring the code for our specific needs and in assisting us to port this sophisticated speech recognition system to Kismet. The software delivers a variety of information that is used to distinguish speech-like sounds from non-speech sounds, to recognize vocal affect, and to regulate vocal turn-taking behavior. The phonemic information may ultimately be used to shape the robot's own vocalizations during imitative vocal games, and to enable the robot to acquire a proto-language from long term interactions with human caregivers. Kismet's low level auditory features are as follows:
  • sound present
  • speech present
  • time stamped pitch tracking
  • time stamped energy tracking
  • time stamped phonemes
Other topics
Kismet's hardware
Facial expression
Visual attention
Ocular-motor control
Expressive speech
Affective intent in speech
Homeostatic regulation mechanisms
The behavior system


    contact information: cynthia@ai.mit.edu