
Related Publications
- Breazeal, C. (2000),
"Sociable Machines: Expressive
Social Exchange Between Humans and Robots". Sc.D. dissertation,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT.
- Breazeal, C. and Scassellati, B. (1999),
context-dependent attention system for a social robot". In
Proceedints of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI99). Stockholm,
Sweden. 1146--1151 [600Kb, gzip]
- Breazeal, C. (1999),
"Robot in
Society: Friend or Appliance?". In Agents99 workshop on
emotion-based agent architectures, Seattle,
WA. 18-26. [1.86Mb, gzip]
- Breazeal, C. and Scassellati, B. (1999),
"How to
build robots that make friends and influence people". To
appear in IROS99, Kyonjiu, Korea. [2.5Mb, gzip]
- Breazeal, C. (1999),
"Imitation as Social Exchange between Humans and Robots",
In Proceedings of the 1999 Symposium on Imitation in
Animals and Artifacts (AISB99), Edinburg, Scotland. 96-104.
- Breazeal, C. (1998),
``Learning by Scaffolding'',
Ph.D. Thesis Proposal, M.I.T. Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science.
- Breazeal(Ferrell), C. and Scassellati, B. (2000),
"Infant-like Social
Interactions Between a Robot and a Human
Caretaker". To appear in Special issue of Adaptive Behavior on
Simulation Models of Social Agents, guest editor Kerstin
Dautenhahn. [1.0Mb, gzip]
- Breazeal(Ferrell), C. and Velasquez, J. (1998),
Teaching a Robot `Infant' using Emotive Communication
Acts". In Proceedings of 1998
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, workshop on Socially
Situated Intelligence, Zurich Switzerland. 25-40. [1.0Mb, gzip]
- Breazeal(Ferrell), C. (1998),
"Regulating Human-Robot Interaction using `emotions',
`drives', and facial expressions". In Proceedings of 1998
Autonomous Agents workshop, Agents in Interaction -- Acquiring
Competence Through Imitation, Minneapolis, MO. 14-21.
- Breazeal(Ferrell), C. (1998),
"Early Experiments
using Motivations to Regulate Human-Robot
Interaction". In Proceedings of 1998 AAAI Fall Symposium:
Emotional and Intelligent, The Tangled Knot of
Cognition, Orlando, FL. 31-36. [600Kb, gzip]
- Breazeal(Ferrell), C. (1999),
"A Motivational System for Regulating Human-Robot Interaction". In
Proceedings of AAAI98, Madison, WI. 54-61.
- Brooks, R., Breazeal, C., Marjanovic, M.,
Scassellati, B., and Williamson, M. (1998),
"The Cog Project: Building a Humanoid Robot". In
Computation for metaphors, analogy, and agents,
C. Nehaniv (ed), Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 1562. New
York, Springer. 52-87.
- Brooks, R., Breazeal(Ferrell), C., Irie, R., Kemp, C., Marjanovic,
M., Scassellati, B., and Williamson, M. (1998),
Essences of Intelligence"". In
Proceedings of AAAI98, Madison, WI. 961-967. [400Kb, gzip]
- Ferrell, C. and Kemp, C. (1996),
Ontogenetic Perspective to Scaling Sensorimotor Intelligence". In
Embodied Cognition and Action: Papers from the 1996 AAAI Fall
Symposium, AAAI Press. 45-49. [30Kb, gzip]
- Scassellati, B. (1998),
"Imitation and Mechanisms of Joint Attention: A Developmental
Structure for Building Social Skills on a Humanoid Robot",
In Computation for metaphors,
analogy, and agents, C. Nehaniv (ed), Lecture notes in
artificial intelligence 1562. New York, Springer.
- Scassellati, B. (1998),
"Eye Finding via Face Detection for a Foveated, Active Vision
System'', in Proceedings of AAAI98, Madison, WI.